08 June 2023

Ilana Rachel Daniel – Mind Manipulation and Humanity Under Attack

Mind Manipulation — Who is in Control? Part 1

“We the consumers are being consumed.” On today’s ‘Good Morning CHD,’ Ilana Rachel Daniel takes viewers through the overt and covert methods of propaganda society faces at the hands of corporations and their own governments. In the age of black mirrors, the prevalence of force-fed mind manipulation through violent video games, subliminal advertising and pornography is undeniable. This episode contains content not suitable for minors. Viewer discretion is advised.

Israel - Leading the Way to Transhumanism

Source: Ilana Rachel Daniel reports on transhumanism and the continued push for centralized control on ‘Good Morning CHD.’ She sits down with Catherine Austin Fitts to dive deeper into these topics and their implications on our lives. 


Neshama said...

Thank you Victoria for these videos
Hope the readers will like them

Anonymous said...

You hope we'll like this beautiful post! I love it. It was great to see & listen to Ilana Rochel Daniel once again and to her guest, Catherine Fitts, whom I've heard a number of times.
Amazing. The info is so vital in these insane times.
Thank you - you are on my top list of blogs. I look forward daily to read, watch & listen
to everything you put on.
Yasher Koach. Thank you.

Leah said...

Wow, they are racing down to hevel hevelim at warp speed... They truly are trying to revive migdal Bavel......

Neshama said...

Thank you for those kind words. I try to post something for everyone.

We see what they are doing = this is to warn us to stay away from it and them!
Not to fall into ‘relativism’ or ignorance of the dangers.

Anonymous said...

Leah, I think we've alredy descended to the Tower of Bavel episode.
Just waiting for H' Yisbarach to undo their evil.

Anonymous said...

H' Yerachem that Israel has descended to the depths of depravity where it has become a technolgical laboratory for the world, when G-D explicitly says 'From Zion will come forth
Torah and the Word of Hashem from Yerushalayim'. Is there any real Jew out there who doesn't understand what is going on here and what the consequences of all this pure adulterated evil will be. Wake up nation of Israel and stand united against all evil. We are the nation which was and is and will be the Light unto the Nations. To go up against the Almighty in such a disgraceful way is unthinkable. But, it should be known to all humanity, that all those responsible and part of this cabal are not Jews, but the Erev Rav that followed us into the desert. They have been a thorn in our sides since yetziat Mitzrayim over 3300 years ago.


Standing up to a test is one of the three tasks of Jew in this world. (along with praying and doing the mitzvos). Sometimes half the battle...