15 January 2020

Bagatz Tells Jewish Family to Apply to the PA for a Building Permit!?

High Court Justices Urge Settlers to 
Apply for PA Permit (to build their home?) 
as Bulldozers Raze 2 Homes
By David Israel -
*Interpret this as defacto areas of Eretz Yisrael ‘have-been-given’ to the Arabs

As of Wednesday morning, large Border Police forces, armed with tractors, have spread through the settlement of Yitzhar and its Kumi Ori neighborhood. Many residents have come to protest the destruction and are calling on the general public to join them – which would be difficult, seeing as the major arteries have been blocked by the IDF. The residents believe the evacuation would take several hours.

Large police forces raided the Kumi Ori neighborhood in the settlement of Yitzhar in Samaria on Wednesday and began demolishing the homes of the Zarug and Gozlan families there, Hakol Hayehudi reported. IDF forces at the same time blocked major intersections in Samaria to Jewish motorists. Two residents were arrested and a few more were detained and released. The Jatt Junction in Samaria was closed to traffic, as were other main junctions.

Last week, the High Court of Justice rejected a petition filed by Neria Zarug and his brother-in-law Aaron Gozlan against demolishing their homes, on the grounds that the authority for building enforcement in the territory in question, which is in Area B, rests with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

The justices ruled that the army is allowed to enforce planning and construction laws in the area only against Jews. However, according to Hakol Hayehudi, the same justices did strike a hopeful note, urging local residents to apply to the Palestinian Authority for building permits.

Who said Bagatz doesn’t have a sense of humor?

As of Wednesday morning, large Border Police forces, armed with tractors, have spread through the settlement of Yitzhar and its Kumi Ori neighborhood. Many residents have come to protest the destruction and are calling on the general public to join them – which would be difficult, seeing as the major arteries have been blocked by the IDF. The residents believe the evacuation would take several hours.

Source: JewishPress

* isn’t this according to that awful ‘Oslo’ accords? Didn’t Abbas say that Oslo doesn’t apply anymore? If The Deal of the Century gives our land to Arabs, they are in deep trouble.

1 comment:

moshe said...

The eventual price that these enemies of ours, from within and without, will one day wish better that they had lived in the times of yetziat Mitzrayim, for then they would have known only the punishment of the ten plagues which will be like ice cream cake compared to what awaits them. Just like the holy Gaon of Vilna, z't'l, predicted, the Erev Rav will be our worst enemies because they are one with Esav and Yishmael. H' watch over and bless those wonderful Jews settling everywhere in the Land of Israel; their reward will be great!

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