19 January 2020

75 Years After Auschwitz

Remembering the horrors of Auschwitz 75 years after the liberation
More than fifty world leaders will arrive in Israel’s capital to commemorate 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz.
By Asher Fredman JPost

‘Come, citizen of the free world! You, who human morality and the law protect your existence… Be brave and join me for a tour across Europe where Satan has come to power… Take leave of your friends, because once you have seen the sadistic atrocities of this so-called ‘cultured’ nation of devils, you will surely wish to expunge your name from humanity… seek consolation amongst the cruel beasts of the field.”

With these chilling words, written from the very heart of hell, Zalman Gradowski opens his terrifying first-person account of the gas chambers and crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Gradowski, a member of the Sonderkommando, was murdered while taking part in the October 1944 Sonderkommando revolt. His writings, hidden in the ashpits of crematorium III, were discovered soon after the liberation of the camp.

One wonders what Gradowski, a proud Jew and Zionist, would say upon seeing the historic gathering set to take place this week in Jerusalem. More than fifty world leaders will arrive in Israel’s capital to take part in the fifthWorld Holocaust Forum. The Forum, under the banner “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism,” will commemorate 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz.

“Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism”
Will this also be a yearly event: 
“No Hate, No Fear” Solidarity *March

Seventy-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Gradowski’s words have reached the “citizens of the free world.” For the sake of our children, let us hope we have the vision and courage to turn these words into action. Read more at JPost

The writer is an international affairs and communications consultant, who served as chief of staff to Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister, and is currently a fellow at the Kohelet Policy Forum. Follow him on twitter @fredman_a

Making excuses for Antisemitism, Then and Now
Sadly, some things never seem to change – including the excuses that some people make for antisemitic thugs. Read full interesting article at JPost

Isn’t This How it Began in Europe? Slowly?

New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger points a finger at 
Soft Anti-Semitism

Assaults on the streets of Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and Boro Park, are now common. Hate erupted into murderous violence in Jersey City, and a man attacked Jews with a machete in Monsey. [. . .] along with the physical attacks, there’s also been an accompanying tone of soft anti-Semitism. There’s the bigotry of not hating the frum Jew but hating his way of life, his system of education, his practices. Perpetrators of this crime tend to wear suits and ties and seek their goals through legislation rather than machetes.

In a blistering speech delivered on the New York City Council floor, Councilman Kalman Yeger blasted his colleagues for on the one hand attending the March Against Hate, while on the other regularly fanning anti-Jewish bias.

**“You did this,”

“For far too long, too many who hold public office and those who portend themselves to be members of the media have tinkered at the fringes of anti-Semitism. They market an ‘us versus them’ message against Orthodox Jews.”

“I won’t be silent about who’s responsible,” Yeger continued. “The notion that a lack of tolerance is at issue, as if Orthodox Jews are so heinous that our presence in society is something to be tolerated, is grotesque. We have the right to live in our city like anyone else. We have the right to go about our day without being assaulted. We’re not doing this to anyone. You’re doing this to us. Mishpacha Magazine and YWN

**YOU DID THIS! NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger BLASTS Politicians and Media Who “Tinker At Fringes Of Antisemitism” [VIDEO] at YWN

Does this look like someone who is in solidarity with the Marchers?

Look who else was ‘caught’ at the Solidarity March

1 comment:

moshe said...

Hypocracy! Esav soneh Yaakov together with rest of the Olam (Yishmael, etc.) who have the same sinah. This get-together in Yerushalayim is the work of the Erev Rav with their allies. Until Jews wake up and return to do teshuva, anti-semitism will continue, because this comes from Above. They won't change but we, as Jews, must change to become the Am that said with one heart and one voice, 'Naase v'Nishmah!

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