26 January 2020

The Sound of Prophecy

I Hear Prophecy in These Words

This is not a time for pessimism
This a time for optimism
Fear and doubt is not a good thought process
Because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy
Optimism and action
[We]  reject the perennial profits of doom
and their predictions of the apocalypse 
They are the heirs of yesterday’s fortune tellers
And I have them and You have them
and We all have them
And they want to see us do badly
But we don’t let it happen
These alarmists always demand the same thing
Absolute power to dominate
Transform every aspect of our lives

Everything is about to change

We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy
Wreck our country or eradicate our liberty
In America we understand what the pessimists refuse to see
That a growing vibrant economy focused on the future
Lifts the human spirit and excites creativity
Strong enough to overcome challenge, 
Any challenge by far
This is all about to change
This is going to be a world without a CB controlling us
A world without the DS pushing events
like 911 and the rest on us
Scare us into giving up our rights

Everything is about to change

Future is for the people trying to do good
A future the people are going to grow in
They are going to wake up and see 
What has been done to them all these years
And once that happens 
Those individuals that have been pushing their agendas
They are doomed
The people once again
They are ready to rise up

Everything is about to change

@Donald J Trump, at Davos

PS The beginning of this part of his speech is where I hear prophecy

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