30 January 2020

IMP UPDATE to Coronavirus Can Be Caused By Viral Interference

UPDATE:  Treatment of suspected coronavirus should not be a Flu Vaccine: the absolute incorrect prescription – based on:

Coronavirus Can Be Caused By Viral Interference, 
A Known Result Of Flu Vaccines

News and articles about CORONAVIRUS are everywhere, but our article, here on Age Of Autism, may be much different from what we are reading and seeing elsewhere. It is interesting to observe the business side of all of this talk of health. This from Business Insider, for example:

The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the US than the Wuhan coronavirus. (BusinessInsider) Here's why:

Although the CDC considers this coronavirus (whose scientific name is 2019-nCoV) to be a serious public-health concern, the agency said in a statement Friday that "the immediate health risk from 2019-nCoV to the general American public is considered low at this time."

A graver health risk for Americans — not just right now, but every year — is the flu….."When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there's just no comparison," William Schaffner, a vaccine expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Kaiser Health News (KHN). "Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial."....So far, experts report that the median age of those who have died from the Wuhan coronavirus is around 75. Many of these individuals had other health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease…..Currently, the fatality rate for the coronavirus is about 3%.

While the flu's fatality rate is lower than that, the CDC is still far more concerned about protecting Americans from influenza.

And there you have it. [. . .] in this case, it’s the flu vaccine, which can be ineffective, we are told in Scientific American [Flu Vaccine Selections Suggest This Year’s Shot May Be Off the Mark]. As a result, you can bet lots of money is being lost and it sure looks like this virus in China has become a good excuse to get rid of these flu vaccines. Another business piece that is obviously revving up, is to invent a  coronavirus vaccine.

Honestly, just reading up on both influenza and coronavirus brings up some interesting reading. For starters, it appears in China, that this year, there were twice as many flu shots being given:

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Posted by Age of Autism on January 29, 2020 at 05:59 AM in Current Affairs, Science

NB as an aside, when reading about a sick and suffering kitty, the Veterinarian said that the kitty had a corona virus (!) and was too sick to help. Imagine that, a kitten can get a corona virus. This tells us that this is a “category” of viruses, with subsets of various viruses. There is so much ‘fake news’ for a myriad of reasons [money, politics, etc], that we need to wait a bit until this is no longer ‘hot news’ in order to read the honest analyses about it.

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