07 November 2019

What Climate Crisis?

Thousands of Scientists Warn of ‘Untold Suffering 
due to Climate Crisis’
Day after US announces formal withdrawal from Paris accord, researchers say there must be ‘bold and drastic transformations regarding economic and population policies timesofisrael

What the innocuous words in this headline mean:

"Population policies = depopulation, reducing the world’s human population

"Thousands of scientists = who are they?

"Researchers = who are they?

"Economic = cashless societies, total control of monies by The Bankers!

"Untold suffering = scare tactics by Deep State operatives

“Crisis = created by them to alarm humans and give Democrats a talking point"

The Paris Accords are not scientific and not about climate . . .

. . . And the US White House knows this.

Not sure?

Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say  Bloomberg  November 5, 2019

Over 11,000 experts from around the world have banded together to call for solutions to the the 'climate emergency,' including population control - which "must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity."

1 comment:

moshe said...

Interesting how all these agendas/plans by the ptb's have been known to those who read and learn but it's always pushed aside by the so-called intellectuals and media as conspiracy and in the meantime they're continuing to put these plans in action, r'l.
Then there are the completely uninformed which is surely more than half the populations everywhere and they have no inkling whatsoever what's happening and live in their own little bubbles and that is the main reason, the wicked can get away with much of their plans. These are definitely the descendants/reincarnations of Nimrod and his followers who have never stopped going to war against the Creator and really believe they will win. Now, that we've reached this point in history where they are able to put forth so much, we know that the Geulah is at the doorstep. H' allowed Nimrod to get to a point where it seemed to them that they were reaching the Heavens and that is when H' showed them who is really the BOSS! We need to think of what we daven as it states in the siddur 'Utzu Eitzah v'Sufar, Dabru Davar, v'lo yakum, ki imanu Kel'.Amen!

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