04 November 2019

A Good Laugh . . .

Demanding the impossible, Israel says pork can only be imported if it’s kosher
“Netanyahu’s caretaker government quietly changes regulations to bar entry of pig products into country, though domestic production remains intact.”

After having a good laugh at this headline, there is a matter of environmental and human health safety behind this laughable headline. This animal is being infected by a virus that is decimating this food supply to many nations. It is dangerous and spreading rapidly. China and other European nations are devastated by the loss of their main source of protein !

Therefore Israel is correct in preventing its import, if only for the above reason.

So says our Torah, that one is forbidden to eat this animal. It cannot be Kosher, even if it shows you it’s cloven feet. It is prone to disease in its being. So maybe this is min haShamayim?

Source timesofisrael

1 comment:

moshe said...

How very, very sad it is to have to explain about the 'davar acher' being prohibited to the Jew and especially in Eretz Yisrael.
Maybe H' has given this problem to this animal now because the state has become so secularized, r'l, that at least it's a way for an excuse not to import it. That there are those who raise these animals in the Land is mind boggling.

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