30 May 2018



Once again parts of Israel did not sleep last night.

For them, it was yet another a night of fear and trepidation. It was a night of frustration with a government that has still not solved the problem of basic security despite two wars fought to do so. It should have been a night of repentance and basic reevaluation.

Who decided on the 12 hours of living nightmares?

Hamas in Gaza did. They decide and we respond. When they have enough and stop trying to kill Jews, we stop responding (usually well-chosen abandoned targets - we don't want to get anyone too angry..) and wait in anxiety for the next round that they decide to initiate.

It was far different before the "Disengagement" from Gaza in the summer of 2005 (the tenth or Av), when almost ten thousand brave Jews lived and created a paradise in Gush Katif. They were the wiling wall between Israel and barbarism. They were dragged from their homes and beloved synagogues, cemeteries, and Israel's paradise. This was the greatest operational success of the IDF since the Six Days War. Medals were handed out.

Hamas did not rule then.

Masses of Arabs did not rush our border. There were no attack/kidnap tunnels reaching into Israel. Tens of thousands of missiles did not fly into Israel. Incendiary kites and balloons did not burn our beloved forests and fields bordering Gaza. Israelis on that border slept far better then.

Iran did not call the shots the either.

What is done is done?

I just wonder how many of those who sneered at the "fanatic" Jews of Gush Katif in their hour of excruciating pain and tears, pause in reflection today as they and their families live a never-ending nightmare.

Hamas decides if they will sleep at night.

Hiding behind concrete is not enough. They nervously clamor for armored convoys to take them from shelter to shelter.

This is so incredible a turn of events it reminds me of the Bible's “tochacha" warning of ever increasing punishment and helplessness for the stiff-necked.

Just as we abandoned Gaza to the terrorists in 2005 which we were told was a great Zionist undertaking, so too did we flee southern Lebanon in 2000 (another superb Zionist undertaking), abandoning our longtime south Lebanese allies in the bloody lurch and grip of Hizbullah. So much for Israeli loyalty to friends and allies.

The vacuum we created was filled by Iran. What a surprise!

We have since fought two wars on that border losing many precious souls. Make no mistake, the residents of northern Israel will dive into their holes again when Hezbollah decides it is time. Meanwhile, we live on pins and needles - the direct result of fleeing terror and abandoning our most loyal ally.

Similarly, when Israel abandoned large tracts of Judea and Samaria to Arafat in 1994, each one of those now "Judenrein" parts of Israel became terror dens – and the list of dead Jews spiral out of control.

Is there a pattern here?

Am I the only one who sees it?

Am I privy to an insight that our greatest political and military minds are not?

Is it some huge secret that when one feels terror, it pursues you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone with an IQ above 10 should have realized what would happen when committing the sin of throwing out Jews from their homes (& in such an ugly way) to give to our mortal enemies. Cannot even contemplate the gravity of that sin. How sad the Jews in that area have to suffer, and, of courst, the whole nation suffers, because of the sin of those leading but guess this will probably be the push to retake Aza, b'ezrat H'. If only (after all the millenia) all the Jews would 'learn' that when we go against H', there is, r'l, punishment and when we obey, H' rewards greatly. We tend to be a divided people and with Erev Rav within our midst, how can it be good? We pray for H's rachamim!

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