15 May 2018



And so, our dramatic roller coaster continues its ride taking ever surprising and breathtaking loops and turns, never resting.

Yesterday was certainly one of those sharp turns that will probably influence the course of the rest of the ride. Such was the ceremony at the US embassy that took place yesterday just a few streets from where I live. From now on we will be speaking in terms of "pre and post".

It is useful to step back and get a wide perspective of the bold detailed painting. How does each stroke of the brush develop into a story? The painting contains much detail and dramatic strokes. This is actually a fascinating study of history, politics, sociology, and psychiatry. It is also a classic study in contrasts.

The ceremony stressed historical facts; those of the history of Jerusalem and of its Jewish connection.
Arabs along with their Israeli Left allies demonstrated nearby. They flew the PLO flag and denounced the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and President Trump in most derogatory terms.

I could not help but think of the glaring contrast the two events presented and how they represent the painting in its entirety. One stubbornly and boldly defended the truth no matter who was not happy. The other insisted upon raucously perpetuating a (recently) revised, concocted history of lies and hate.

At the very same moment, in Tel Aviv University, Israeli Arab students, professors, and Jewish Left allies demonstrated with the same message as did their very angry comrades near the embassy ceremony in Jerusalem. They proudly waved the flag of Israel's enemy on campus all the while enjoying the finest free education in the Mid East along with receiving preferential entrance treatment.

I was reminded; A great man once said," you cannot buy love.”

Many of our foolish "leaders" based (made) their careers on that illusion and still have not let go. The Israeli Arabs (they prefer now to be called "Palestinians") on the Tel Aviv campus fully appreciate their efforts.

A couple of Jewish Israeli students; yes there are still a good number of them there, (in Haifa University half the students are Arab) tried to enter their campus but were blocked by security guards because they were carrying Israeli flags, and that was a provocation!

Yesterday was indeed an action-packed day.

From Jerusalem to the Tel Aviv campus to the Gaza border that we retreated to in 2005.

Along the Gaza border, tens of thousands of Arabs were encouraged, urged, bribed, threatened, blackmailed by their elected terror government to rush the Israeli border, break through and liberate their lands. Many were armed. Some planted explosive devices. All are a product of lethal hate indoctrination against Jews. Hamastan has only one agenda and they are clear about it; the destruction of Israel. They do not hide behind suits and duplicity. They are the most honest of the "Palestinians".

When Jews moved to Gaza to make the desert bloom, they created a Garden of Eden out of long forlorn places. They stood on the front lines for the Jewish people and were willing to pay the price in terror because they were idealists. Since these thousands of Jews were forcefully expelled from the Paradise they created things got really bad. Paradise became hell. As the saying goes,"if you flee terror, terror pursues you”

So far, a couple of wars, kidnappings, thousands of rocket attacks, gigantic attack tunnels, fire kites that destroy the livelihood of farmers living on the Gaza border. ( These farmers would love to turn the clock back to before August 2005 when they had only scorn for their pleading brothers in Gaza.)
Of course, our wise leaders in 2005 assured us this would never happen and that the brutal duplicitous expulsion was true Zionism.

So yesterday, there was a massive"popular" enemy attack on our Gaza border (the "return home march"). Israel made sure they did not get through. It cost the Arabs sixty deaths and many wounded.
Hamas got the bloody photos they wanted and the usual howl went up from the most caring and humanitarian of voices such as Turkey… Of course, Israel's Arab Knesset members were joined by their Leftist allies in completing the picture that Hamas so carefully designed.

Lots happened in one day and one needs to stand back and have perspective rather than fall victim to the noise and distractions of the hourly blow by blow.

Though it is very much in vogue not to judge right or wrong but rather accept everyone's: "narrative", I choose to cut through the fog of distortion and seek the truth. I still like it. The truth is that there exists a culture that never misses an opportunity for destruction and inhumanity and there is another one that represents the opposite.

That is what I see when I step back and take in the entire painting.

Perspective is very important.

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