22 May 2018


by Shalom Pollack
  • Names of border casualties hung at Bezalel Academy *(see below)
  • Arab students at Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design hang black signs commemorating the 61 dead at Monday's bloody Gaza border protest, 50 of which Hamas said were its people. The above is an *item in today's news.
  • On the same day in Tel Aviv, a group of Jews wearing black wrote the names of these vicious enemies and lit candles for them.
  • And still, on the same day, Jews in London gathered to recite the “Kaddish" for the same cruel determined enemies of the Jewish people.

I have no complaints to the Arab Israeli students expressing their hate for the Jewish country and biting down hard on the hand that feeds and pampers them. As far as they are concerned, if the Jews are stupid and self-destructive, take advantage and keep on taking advantage. Of course, it is the Academy's Jewish administration that deserves close psychiatric study not the Arabs.

I would be interested in learning which syndrome they are diagnosed with. I have surely not figured it out to my satisfaction yet. A really big couch could be prepared for the women in Black in Tel Aviv and the good caring Jews of London.

I don't seem to recall the Tel Aviv idealists commemorating the names of the countless Jewish victims of Arab murder (Jews who were not trying to kill anyone on a border or anywhere else). I have no recollection of caring, clearly very spiritual Jews in London gathering to say the Kaddish for any of the Jewish families murdered in their beds by Arabs.

Is it just my memory or am I right about these people; They are seriously disturbed.

I was walking downtown today when an American TV crew was looking for interviewees. I made myself obvious and he approached me. I was asked if I think there will be any political fall out from the current condemnations about Gaza?
I said "yes, but it was to be expected that the usual voices of morality and restraint like Turkey, Iran, Russia, China Jordan... would express their righteous indignation at this time…one knows if one is doing the right thing by who is condemning you."
I was sure to tell the camera that there is clearly a palpable change of late. There is now a man and his team in the White House and the UN that simply refuses to continue agreeing with the mantra that the" king is clothed" when he most definitely never was.

We feel the winds of change and it gives our leaders the strength to finally stand up to the bullies. In fact, it was not long ago that Israel bribed Turkey into not being too angry with us. This happened after Turkey facilitated the terror ship Marmara and Israeli forces confronted and killed armed terrorists aboard.

Israel did not have the courage to stand up to Turkey and promptly agreed to bribe them to assuage their wrath. Yesterday we said we are not going to take it anymore when we played tit for tat in the diplomatic arena with Turkey. In fact, Israel might now even finally officially recognize the Turkish massacre of the Armenians to the chagrin of the brutal Turks.

The recent broad and devastating IDF attack on Iranian interests in Syria may not have happened with the anti - Israel Obama/Kerry team making life as difficult as possible for us. Iran would have just keep tightening the noose while we were handcuffed by our "friends" in Washington.
Israel's actions at the attempted Gaza border invasion is another example of the refreshing winds of change
It is interesting how political alliances, assumptions, and maps can change so abruptly. For decades, Israel employed a strategy of "jumping over" the ring of hostile Arab states threatening to choke us. We did this partially by cultivating strong ties with Muslim - but not Arab Turkey and Iran.

Today Israel is not threatened by the Arab border states as they are busy with regime survival and their own civil wars. It is precisely Iran and Turkey and their terror proxies who have replaced them.

To what extent can one follow rapid changing strategies, duplicitous politics and the ever-shifting sands of history? And how well can one hope to figure out the sick souls of some of our own lost people?

Thank the Lord, they are a declining minority and are increasingly seen by most Israelis as oddballs at best. They will never again gain power in Israel (God willing).

As far as the “Kaddish" sayers for terrorists overseas, they are a disappearing breed. Large-scale assimilation, late marriage if at all, few children if at all, are already sealing their fate. Their Kaddish is written on the wall. They will occupy a small corner in the dustbin of Jewish mistakes. They will be a queer little footnote in the grand book of Jewish history and redemption which is being written exactly now.

I just look at all of this as so much entertainment and rely upon the God of history Who has miraculously brought us thus far… He has His plan. We are permitted to read only the chapters he allows us to in His good time.

The final chapter is worth waiting for.


Josh Haston of LandofIsrael also discusses this twisted phenomena, “When Jews Honor Hamas Terrorists":

* See also: Kaddish for Dead [Terrorists] and Names of border casualties hung at Bezalel Academy.

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