31 May 2018

THE WAR IN SOUTH ISRAEL and The Spiritual Cause

Current Events On The War In Israel
and Samson And Delilah
(finishing Naso and Beha’alotcha) 
The Root of the Problem, the Spiritual Element, Is in the Hands of Hashem

Birchat Kohanim has 60 letters = of Spiritual Protection for the People ~ the 60 Body-Guards surrounding the Bed of Shlomo HaMelech to Defend Him (this is a spiritual thing) from Demons and Other Bad Things in the World.

In the Last War with Hamas:  We shoot very well in training, we can target where the rockets fall, but their G–D is Saving Them!

Spiritual tumah of Jews, from non-kosher food, prevents spiritual truths

Non-Jews are allowed to eat anything (as long as its dead), bugs, and other things.

The biggest non-Jewish Prophet (Bilaam): I would like to die like the death of the Jews = and I want to end where the Jews end.  Gentiles do not; only if they Convert strictly al pi Halacha, in modesty (in dignity), kashrut, and accepting ALL the laws of Judaism. 

Liberal Jewish women are not sensitive to their modesty and appear dressed like the non–Jews.

In defense of comments about Mrs. Kushner, when appearing at Jewish functions she dressed modestly, especially when in Eretz Yisrael. This is a serious sensitive topic so please be considerate.

UPDATE:  "IDF publishes photos of some of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets that were struck in Gaza” BUT NO TERRORISTS WERE KILLED. Hence a message to Israel!


If I may, the serious nature of the transgressions of Am Yisrael (All of the Jews) is, perhaps, preventing the arrival of Mashiach. This may mean that Am Yisrael must suffer sufficiently to change the balance of our merit, to one that allows the fulfillment of the End Days Prophecy. Please read Three Kinds of Sins to be forewarned and to encourage personal Teshuva. A Jew must take a Spiritual Accounting of his/her life to determine where one needs to improve. If one does hitbodedut (unstructured, spontaneous and individualized form of prayer and meditation), one can usually sense what one needs to work on. This can be accomplished by secluding oneself in a room, sit quietly, and listen to the ‘inner voice’. Or one can go to a place of nature, with many trees and no people, and likewise sit quietly and ‘contemplate’. It works and is a pleasant experience.

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