04 July 2023

Time to Declare Our Independence from the Vaccinators II

The First Vaccinator Infected Children With Cowpox

The Vaccinators – those individuals who make, sell, license, recommend, administer, promote, and mandate pharmaceutical products called “vaccines” – have been around for as long as the United States of America. The most famous Vaccinator, who is credited with inventing the concept of vaccination, was an 18th century medical doctor living in England - Edward Jenner.  As urban legend would have it, in 1796, Dr. Jenner took pus from a cowpox lesion on the skin of a milkmaid and scratched it into the arm of a healthy child in hopes that a milder cowpox infection would protect against serious cases of smallpox. It was an experimental practice that several other doctors in England had been doing for years.
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By the end of the 18th century, smallpox was already naturally declining in severity in London, but it could still kill between 10 and 30 percent and leave many scarred with pockmarks.79 Jenner and the other doctors infecting healthy children with an animal disease to prevent a human disease did not know exactly what would happen to the children they experimented on. They didn’t know anything about what it would do to the body of an individual child at the cellular and molecular level, whether it would cause acute reactions or uncontrolled inflammation in the body80 81 and alter immune,82 heart 83 or brain function,84 or affect chromosomal integrity.85 

After all, medical doctors in 1796 were still ritualistically bleeding and purging people sick with smallpox and other diseases, as well as restricting nutrition. They were doing the same thing to many healthy infants and adults before performing arm-to-arm inoculation using smallpox pus, a procedure called variolation.86 87 88

How many died of smallpox back then because doctors insisted on limiting food intake and bleeding and purging them until they had little strength left to heal?           

There is no question that cowpox inoculation was legendary for its ability to cause severe reactions, disability and death,89 which is also true for smallpox vaccine still given to some soldiers today.90 91 With missionary zeal, Jenner and his medical colleagues ignored the protests and pleas by mothers and fathers, who watched once healthy infants and children get inoculated and be covered with open sores, while their feverish bodies became riddled with inflammation and their hearts and brains were permanently damaged, with an unknown number of them wasting away and dying within a few days or weeks or months of vaccination.92 93 94

Still, Jenner eventually was able to persuade influential doctors, especially those heading up the new profession of “public health” funded by governments, to use arm-to-arm inoculation to infect all healthy children with cowpox. Somewhere along the way, a new animal-human hybrid vaccinia virus emerged, which scientists today argue could be part cow or part horse – nobody seems to know for sure – but routine inoculation with the live vaccinia virus was described in early medical journals as “humanized vaccination.”95 96

Vaccination Did Not Confer Lifelong Immunity

Even in the 18th century, it was known that recovery from smallpox gave a person what appeared to be lifelong immunity to the dreaded disease.97 98 Jenner considered himself to be a scientist and his unshakable belief that scratching cowpox pus into the arms of children conferred durable immunity to smallpox was eventually shown to be a myth. In fact, by 1880, the evidence confirmed that Jenner was wrong – vaccination did not confer permanent immunity. Smallpox outbreaks were occurring in England despite compulsory vaccination laws,99 just like pertussis,100 mumps,101  measles,102 103 104 and polio,105 106 outbreaks occur today, despite widespread vaccination laws.

U.S. industrialist and philanthropist John Pitcairn pointed that out when he testified before the Pennsylvania legislature in 1907 against mandatory smallpox vaccination. He said:107

“Jenner began by claiming that vaccination made a person immune for life, but the facts of observation soon resulted in the term being shortened to 14 years; then it was made seven; then five; then two; and in the Spanish-American War, six months was the limit of immunity.”

Not only did smallpox vaccination not provide lifelong immunity, but live vaccinia virus vaccination could spread vaccine strain infection to other people.108 The myth that vaccination is a sure guarantee of immunity is a persistent bit of disinformation about vaccines that has been used by the Vaccinators for two centuries to justify public health policies enforcing the purchase and use of multiple doses of the same vaccines – including COVID vaccine.109 110

In 2020, that old myth played a key role in billions of people around the world believing the lie that COVID vaccine would guarantee that vaccinated people could not get infected with or transmit SARS-CoV-2.111 112

Poor Children Used in Arm-to-Arm Vaccination Campaigns

After declaring a coronavirus pandemic emergency in 2020, the Vaccinators at the World Health Organization sent out a press release proclaiming that because of smallpox vaccination campaigns, “the world got rid of smallpox thanks to an incredible demonstration of global solidarity, and because it had a safe and effective vaccine.” They said, “Solidarity plus science equaled solution!”113

But the ugly truth about the history of vaccination is that for a century after Jenner’s newfound fame, little children – mostly working class, minority, and orphaned children – were used to conduct arm-to-arm anti-smallpox campaigns that had nothing to do with science. Children were the preferred tools of the new trade because they were thought to be more “pure” their blood usually was not infected with syphilis, tuberculosis, and other diseases more common to adults at the time.

Doctors at the height of the British Empire, scratched cowpox pus into the arms of children living in the slums in England and physically transported them, sometimes in baggage holds, to colonized countries like India and parts of Africa so they could be used to infect indigenous children. Governments, as well as other social institutions, used the arm-to-arm vaccinia virus inoculation campaigns as political and social organizing tools, especially in poor communities. 114

In 1870 during the Industrial Revolution, entrepreneurial doctors decided to mass produce the vaccinia virus by growing the virus on the skin of young cows, instead of young humans. They called the new product an “animal vaccine.” Vaccine “animal farms” populated by calves sprouted up all over Europe and America to make the new vaccine trade more profitable for chemical companies and doctors alike. But there was little safety regulation of the virus being grown in calves that doctors were scratching onto the arms of infants and children, who risked suffering high fevers, encephalitis and brain damage, full body eczema vaccinatum that looks a lot like smallpox, and the lethal progressive vaccinia, which can lead to bacterial superinfection and death within weeks of months of vaccination.115

After nearly two centuries of mass vaccination campaigns, the Vaccinators declared smallpox eradicated in the late 20th century – the first and only infectious microorganism they say vaccination has eliminated from the earth.  But it was the more selective approach of quarantining the sick and targeted ring vaccination of close contacts primarily responsible for doing that.116 117 118

The Vaccinators Persecute Anyone Opposing Mandatory Vaccination

The valid safety concerns of 19th and early 20th century anti-mandatory vaccination activists, like Lora Little, a Minnesota mother whose seven-year-old son died after smallpox vaccination,119 and British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace,120 co-discoverer of the principle of natural selection, were ridiculed by the Vaccinators aggressively lobbying politicians to pass mandatory smallpox vaccination laws.121 Those pioneering thought leaders opposing forced vaccination developed legitimate scientific and ethical arguments that are still valid today.122 123 124 Yet, they were ridiculed, persecuted, and discredited by the Vaccinators protecting the politically powerful, very profitable alliance between medical trade, the chemical industry, and governments.

Just like today, the Vaccinators slapped the “anti-science” label on anyone defending medical freedom and opposing mandatory vaccination.125 126 127 128  By 1905, a Lutheran pastor who had suffered a smallpox vaccine reaction challenged mandatory smallpox vaccination. In a seminal U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the high-stakes ideological debate dominated by the Vaccinators based on a utilitarian “greater good” rationale popular in academic circles at the time prevailed.  The Supreme Court majority affirmed the constitutional authority of state legislatures to pass mandatory vaccination laws in the U.S.129

WThe Vaccinators took that legal victory at the turn of the 20th century and ran with it all the way to the banks funding the global Public Health Empire in the 21st century.130

By 2022, the global market for preventive vaccines was valued at over $200 billion dollars - up from $34 billion in 2017131 - with much of that revenue guaranteed to multinational drug corporations by vaccination laws.  And the global pharmaceutical market had become a 1.4 trillion-dollar business, with the U.S. population paying for and using 50 percent – or 550 billion dollars worth – of all drugs and vaccines consumed in the world.132

The Vaccinators Have Waged a Two Century War on Microorganisms

Crippled by ignorance, blinded by hubris, for more than two centuries the Vaccinators have waged a war on microorganisms, insisting that the only way to win that war is to create more and more vaccines and compel everyone to buy and use them.133 134 135 It started out with one vaccine targeting one organism. Today the Vaccinators have declared war on 17 more microorganisms, insisting every child be given over 70 doses of vaccines136 to try to prevent infectious diseases like chickenpox137 that do not come close to being in the same category as smallpox.138 And now they want everyone to get an annual COVID shot along with an annual flu shot,139 while creating a long list of new vaccines for all kinds of infectious – as well as chronic diseases - they want everyone to take.140 141

Instead of spending money to tackle historic causes of poor health – like poverty,142 poor sanitation,143 poor nutrition,144 145 and environmental pollution,146 and developing effective ways to help people get through infections without suffering complications, the Vaccinators continue to put all their eggs in one basket.  Abandoning the precautionary principle to “first, do no harm,” with tunnel vision they desperately hold on to the 19th century vaccination paradigm and march forward in the name of consensus science147 148 and “the greater good,” taking down anyone who stands in their way.149 150 151 152 153

What Else Do Vaccines Do?

Vaccine products atypically manipulate the immune system by stimulating an acute inflammatory response in the body154 but, in an unknown number of people, that inflammation does not resolve.155 156 157  158 And nobody knows how many of the hundreds of millions of children and adults – with one in two in America now suffering with a chronic inflammatory disease159 that damages the heart, brain, lungs, joints, immune system, and other parts of the body160 161 – can trace the beginning of their poor health conditions back to vaccinations that begin on the day of birth162 and continue throughout childhood and during pregnancy 163 until the last year of life.

We’ve done what the Vaccinators have told us to do for two centuries. The vaccination rate among school-aged children in the U.S. has been close to 95 percent since the 1980s.164 165 

And yet, today the United States of America has the worst maternal and infant mortality rate166 167 and the worst life expectancy rate compared to other developed nations,168  while one child in six is learning disabled;169 one in 10 has allergies,170 ADHD171 172 or an anxiety disorder;173 one in 36 develops autism;174 one in 150 has epilepsy;175 176 one in 285 is diabetic,177 and millions more are suffering with poor health conditions marked by chronic inflammation in the brain and other parts of the body.178

It is a chronic disease and disability epidemic that accounts for 90 percent of the 4.1 trillion dollars in annual US health care costs.179

Where Is the Real Science?

Where are the large, prospective, long-term scientific studies comparing all morbidity and mortality outcomes in unvaccinated and highly vaccinated humans that parents of vaccine injured children asked for more than 25 years ago?180 181

Where is the big library of biological mechanism science investigating what happens to the cells and mitochondria182 183 and chromosomes,184 185 what happens to the microbiome186 and function of the heart and brain and other organs when a pharmaceutical product containing parts of live or genetically engineered human and animal viruses and bacteria, plus foreign proteins, chemicals, metals, DNA and synthetic mRNA is injected into the human body over and over and over again?187 188 189 190

No two human beings are exactly the same, so where are the methodologically sound studies that explain how genetics,191 epigenetics,192 193 194  environmental factors195 196 and other influences raise or lower an individual’s risk for complications from both infectious diseases or vaccination?197 198

Where IS the REAL science that Jenner didn’t know how to do but could have been done by now if the Vaccinators really wanted to know the truth about “scientific” assumptions made when doctors were still slicing open veins and purging the life out of both sick and healthy people two centuries ago?

Why have we accepted vaccination as the greatest medical invention in the history of medicine199 instead of holding the Vaccinators accountable for what may be the biggest lie in the history of medicine?

And even if vaccination is the greatest invention in the history of medicine, anyone with the power to force you to alter and risk damaging your body or the body of your minor child without your voluntary, informed consent has too much power.200

Because if the State can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

Taking Back Individual Sovereignty from the Vaccinators

If the last three years taught us nothing else, we now know it is time to declare our independence from the Vaccinators and take back individual sovereignty,201 our right to autonomy,202 203 204 before it is too late. Right now, we have an opportunity to free ourselves from the chemical chains that empower the Vaccinators to change who we are, how we think, what we believe, and what we can and cannot do.205 206

But we cannot liberate ourselves from those very expensive chemical chains at the national or global level unless freedom of speech is restored to its rightful place as a non-negotiable fundamental liberty for all. Under the U.S. Constitution, freedom of speech means you have the right to speak, write, and share ideas and opinions without facing punishment from the government. Freedom of speech has been muzzled in the U.S. and many other countries since 2020 at the direction of the Vaccinators controlling policymaking in governments and at the United Nations, who have put pressure on private corporations operating the world wide web and media to end all public debate about mandatory vaccination. 207 208 209

If the Vaccinators have to resort to censoring freedom of speech because they are so afraid of what the people really think about vaccination, then they have already lost the debate.

I believe Jefferson was right. The flames of liberty kindled on the 4th of July 1776 have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by petty tyrants in governments and at the United Nations determined to exploit the people for power and profit.  

It is time to publicly question why mandatory vaccination has been made the cornerstone of preventive health programs since the 19th century when highly vaccinated populations are sicker than ever in the 21st century. Time to clear the way for more rational, enlightened approaches to maintaining health and wellness that work in harmony with nature instead of branding every infectious disease as an enemy to be eradicated from the earth.210 211 212

What Can Be Done?

There is really only one way to free ourselves from the Vaccinators and that is to eliminate one-size-fits-all vaccination laws.213 214 Like every other pharmaceutical product sold in the marketplace, vaccines should be subject to the law of supply and demand, and no one should be penalized in any way for making an informed choice about use of a product that can injure, kill or fail to work, and is sold by drug companies with no liability when people die or are disabled by the product.215

In the U.S., most vaccine laws are state laws and at NVIC, we have been working with families and state legislatures since 2010 through the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal to stop vaccine mandates and electronic vaccine tracking systems, and to expand medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions. 216 We are committed to helping you protect the legal right to get a school education, receive medical care, have health insurance, hold a job and move about freely in society without being coerced or sanctioned for exercising informed consent to vaccination.

The years of hard work we have been doing in the states paid off big time in 2021 when every one of the 50 state legislatures in the U.S. refused to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine. It was a victory that should not be underestimated.

There has never been a better time to take action, so please sign up and take action at today and join this historic fight for independence.

What else can you do? You can educate your community and participate in improving government at every level – from getting involved in elections for school boards, city and country councils and sheriffs - to showing up at the polls in state and federal elections. You can run for office yourself or make sure those who do run have integrity and are committed to defending civil liberties, including the right to make voluntary decisions about vaccination.

We need to elect lawmakers who will call a halt to the pay for play scheme that Congress gave the pharmaceutical industry decades ago and stop drug companies from paying the FDA217 218  to cut corners and fast track their experimental drugs and vaccines to market – like the notoriously reactive and ineffective mRNA COVID vaccine that already has netted Pfizer and Moderna a staggering 100 billion dollars.219 220 221

We need a law to stop the revolving door between Big Pharma and government agencies222 223 224 225 so the Vaccinators can’t go to work for drug companies and then work for government, and then go back to working for drug companies, whose products they were regulating and promoting when they worked for government.

We need a law prohibiting research scientists employed by government agencies in public-private business partnerships with Pharma from holding patents on vaccines they create with drug companies,226 227 so they can profit from sales of those vaccines whether they continue working for government or quit and work for drug companies.

The US is only one of two countries that allows direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, 228 229 which is why every other ad on TV is selling prescription drugs and promoting vaccines. We need a law that unhooks mainstream media from their Pharma paymasters, so the media has more incentive to tell the truth instead of spewing out disinformation produced by the Vaccinators.

We need Congress to restore the civil liability provisions that were originally in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act when it was passed in 1986 holding negligent doctors accountable for medical malpractice and holding drug companies liable for defectively designed vaccines.230 It is shameful that the historic law, which acknowledged government licensed and recommended childhood vaccines can cause injury and death, was gutted after it was passed by weakening amendments and rule-making by federal agencies that eliminated many of the vaccine safety, liability and federal compensation provisions that parents had worked so hard to secure in it.231

We need Congress to conduct an investigation into and overhaul operation of the Department of Health and Human Services, including taking away oversight on vaccine safety and public health research priorities and putting it into an independent agency that reports directly to Congress.232 233

We need state legislatures to stop mandating vaccines and stop creating electronic vaccine tracking systems lacking informed consent protections, 234 and stop passing laws that allow doctors to pressure young children to get vaccinated without the knowledge or consent of their parents.235

We need elected state representatives to take back their power to make public health law instead of turning over that power to unelected employees working in public health departments.236

And we need laws prohibiting doctors from denying medical care to children and adults solely based on their vaccination status.237 238 239

There is a lot that can be done to break the chemical chains that tie the people to the Vaccinators from the day of birth to the last year of life - but only if we stop taking our freedom for granted and expecting someone else to do it for us.

You have the God given right to autonomy, the right to protect the biological integrity of your body and that of your minor child. You have the natural right to exercise freedom of thought and use your gut instincts, mother’s intuition and common sense when making a benefit risk decision about taking a medical risk. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to a doctor or anyone pressuring you to take a vaccine or give your child a vaccine you do not consider to be safe or effective.

You have the civil right to exercise freedom of speech. Don’t be afraid to talk to your family, friends and lawmakers about why you think it is important to defend freedom of speech and the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, which includes vaccine risk taking.

We can all do something every day – no matter how big or small - to protect the beating heart of liberty.

Contact NVIC and join the revolution. Make a donation. Take action. 

Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.

It's your health. Your family. Your Choice.

And our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

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Comment to the above:

We need state legislatures to stop mandating vaccines and stop creating electronic vaccine tracking systems lacking informed consent protections, and stop passing laws that allow doctors to pressure young children to get vaccinated without the knowledge or consent of their parents. We need elected state representatives to take back their power to make public health law instead of turning over that power to unelected employees working in public health departments. And we need laws prohibiting doctors from denying medical care to children and adults solely based on their vaccination status. We need to elect lawmakers who will call a halt to the pay for play scheme that Congress gave the pharmaceutical industry decades ago and stop drug companies from paying the FDA to cut corners and fast track their experimental drugs and vaccines to market – like the notoriously reactive and ineffective mRNA COVID vaccine that already has netted Pfizer and Moderna a staggering 100 billion dollars. We need a law to stop the revolving door between Big Pharma and government agencies so the Vaccinators can’t go to work for drug companies and then work for government, and then go back to working for drug companies, whose products they were regulating and promoting when they worked for government. We need a law prohibiting research scientists employed by government agencies in public-private business partnerships with Pharma from holding patents on vaccines they create with drug companies, so they can profit from sales of those vaccines whether they continue working for government or quit and work for drug companies. The US is only one of two countries that allows direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, which is why every other ad on TV is selling prescription drugs and promoting vaccines. We need a law that unhooks mainstream media from their Pharma paymasters, so the media has more incentive to tell the truth instead of spewing out disinformation produced by the Vaccinators. We need Congress to restore the civil liability provisions that were originally in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act when it was passed in 1986 holding negligent doctors accountable for medical malpractice and holding drug companies liable for defectively designed vaccines. It is shameful that the historic law, which acknowledged government licensed and recommended childhood vaccines can cause injury and death, was gutted after it was passed by weakening amendments and rule-making by federal agencies that eliminated many of the vaccine safety, liability and federal compensation provisions that parents had worked so hard to secure in it. We need Congress to conduct an investigation into and overhaul operation of the Department of Health and Human Services, including taking away oversight on vaccine safety and public health research priorities and putting it into an independent agency that reports directly to Congress. 

The US Military has controlled vaccination policy since 1775, following the British use of smallpox victims to decimate US forces prior to the Battle of Quebec. Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, Alexander Langmuir, Nobel Laureates Enders, Weller and Robinson as well as Sam Katz, Editor of The Redbook, were all members of AFEB - the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. This Board pushed childhood immunizations in order to exclude adverse reactors to immunizations from entering the military where their reactions would be a burden to Veterans Administration hospitals which the Salk-Francis flu vaccines filled with reactors in the 1950s. The Walk Vaccine's Francis Field Trial, touted by CDC as the gold standard field trial, stands as one of the greatest medical hoaxes since physicians bled people with leeches. The Cutter Incident and the Francis Field Trial presented identical reaction unused Francis Field Trial lot of polio vaccine caused over 4,000 cases of polio in Boston in the summer of 1955 after the March 1955 Cutter incident. All of the over 100 million doses of Salk Vaccine were contaminated with a simian viruses associated with multiple cancers... That virus, known SV40, which can be spread in sperm may be detected in cancers with modern PCR testing...however the reagents required for detecting SV40 are banned from being used for diagnostic purposes by the FDA. It is long past time to create an oversight agency of the FDA and NIH...much like the NTSB oversight of the FAA which is tasked with promoting aviation.

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