02 July 2023

Rabbonim Were Correct About “Smart Phones” this

 will we ever wise up?

25 Leading Rabbanim And Roshei Yeshiva Issue Ban On Using AI Chatbots

More than two dozen rabbanim and roshei yeshiva are publicly banning the use of artificial intelligence chatbots such as the wildly popular Chat-GPT.

In the kol koreh, the morei derech write that such chats have the ability to ingrain the wrong hashkafos in people, as well as outright kefirah, abominations, and other harmful content. It adds that those who begin using it are opening the door to being exposed to a veritable minefield of poisonous perspectives

Therefore,” the 25 rabbanim and roshei yeshiva write, “it is assur to connect with and use artificial intelligence chats, whether via a phone, text, or computer, even for a necessary use, and kal vachomer for divrei torah.” 

The kol koreh states that this ban is applicable to all men, women, and children. It also exhorts parents and educators to bear the responsibility of warning their children and students against using AI chatbots.

Importantly, the kol koreh notes that for those who need to use such chatbots in their business, “for the time being there is no solution on how to allow it,” but there will be future discussions on ways AI chatbots can be incorporated for business uses. 

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