10 July 2023

UPDATE TO PM vs. ben-Gvir About Shoring Up Abbas and the PA??


Netanyahu to keep Ben-Gvir from dealing with PA

The Prime Minister will not allow Itamar Ben-Gvir to join the discussions on concessions to the Palestinian Authority.


Cabinet decides: Israel will work to prevent collapse of Palestinian Authority.  Israel will insist the PA ceases its anti-Israel activity, incitement, payments to the families of terrorists, and illegal construction.”

Is this a joke? Under the false notion of “security measures” 
are they are directly "funding the murder of Israelis”?


Israel’s Cabinet Approves Resolution to Prevent Collapse of Palestinian Authority


The Ministerial Committee for National Security Affairs (the Political and Security Cabinet) decided by a majority vote of eight against one, with one abstention, to adopt the proposed resolution brought before it by Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel will work to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Israel, however will continue to advance its legal efforts to stop the PA’s activities against Israel in the international legal-political arena, and its incitement against Israel in its communication and education systems, from the payments to the families of the terrorists and murderers, and from the illegal construction in the areas of Judea and Samaria under joint control with Israel known as Area C.

The rest of the Prime Minister’s proposals that came up in the Cabinet meeting were unanimously accepted including the following:

The security forces will continue to act with determination to thwart terrorism.

The Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense will bring before the Cabinet measures to stabilize the civilian situation in the Palestinian Authority areas.

The cabinet unanimously supported the defense minister’s statement that the calls for resistance seriously damage Israel’s security, and that they must be condemned and action should be taken to allow the security forces to leave the political discourse.

Mahmoud Abbas responded to Israel's offer to stop its disintegration, rejecting Netanyahu's threshold requirements for receiving aid. (


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Unfortunately, we can't allow that Abbas to collapse either because what comes after could be much worse. One can only hope that he passes away from this world, sometime very soon, peacefully, and then perhaps there will be a peaceful transition. But if his demise comes via chaos, we will be left in a very precarious position.

Neshama said...

I understand what you are saying, but perhaps that is just postponing the inevitable?
That is the ’status quo’ approach, which is postponing the Geulah!
The longer the showdown is pushed off the more PREPARED our enemies will be fortified.
Why wait until they have chv”s bunker crushing rockets??

Gavriela Dvorah said...

They don't have rockets but the jihadists in Jenin do. And I just learned that we don't have a red alert system in this area. No one expected there to ever be a need.

Neshama said...

About the rockets, it was meant for Jenin not the PA. That is where they found them.
Also, the QUAKE could be “area specific”, after all, Hashem can do anything! AND it would be a ‘natural occurrence’.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

No, there are rockets in Jenin. Maybe also the Pals have some. But the hotheads in Jenin are more likely to use them. More signs of how close we are to seeing Moshiach. Yes, HKBH can do anything. But, to be an earthquake strong enough to destroy such a large city, it would impact other cities close by, such as Afula. I prefer vaporizing. Hashem did that once before too. The deniers could blame it on global warming.

Neshama said...

When did Hashem vaporize??
Sodom n’Gomorrah?
But that was an outright happening from G-d.
I thought HE prefers to work within ‘nature’.

Anyway, you didn’t say anything about Henny!
That Maple Farm post featured Henny!!

Thanks so much for the tête-à-tête

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...