13 July 2023


 We are looking at our next war, once Jenin restocks their weapons (from Iran) and we might see “other” hornets nests join in to attack Israel from “within” chv”s

Nasrallah: 'If Israel clears out tents, it won't go unnoticed'

Hezbollah's leader warns Israel against removing Hezbollah tents across the Blue Line near Mt. Dov. More at

But we need to remind Nasraaaalaaaah that HKB”H is waiting for the opportunity to show the world just who wins what territory!

Ezekiel 47/15 Eretz Yisrael Northern Border

15 “This is to be the[b] border for the land: on the north side, from the Mediterranean[c] Sea by the Hethlon Road to the entrance of Zedad, 16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim (which lies between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath), and Hazer-hatticon, which is on the border of Hauran. 

17 The border is to proceed from the Mediterranean[d] Sea to Hazer-enan (a border of Damascus), and on the north facing north is to be the border of Hamath. This is to be the north side.

18 “The eastern extremity is to proceed from between Hauran and[e] Damascus, then between Gilead, and then through the land of Israel—the Jordan River.[f] You are to measure from the northern border to the Dead[g] Sea. This is to be the eastern perimeter.

19 “You are to determine the southern extremity running from Tamar as far as the waters of Meribath-kadesh, then from there proceeding to the Wadi,[h] and then to the Mediterranean[i] Sea. This is to be the southern[j] perimeter.

20 “The western[k] perimeter is to be the Mediterranean[l] Sea, from the southernmost border to a location opposite the entrance to Hamath. This is to be the western[m] perimeter.

21 “You are to apportion this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel, 22 dividing it by lottery among yourselves and among the foreigners who live among you and bear children among you. You are to treat them like native-born Israelis. Among you they,[n] too, are to be allotted an inheritance with the tribes of Israel. 23 Furthermore, you are to provide the foreigner’s inheritance there in the tribe within which he remains,” declares the Lord God.

About the original borders of Eretz Yisrael,
You will be pleasantly surprised and envigorated

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  may this year bring our Mashiach