01 July 2023

A Fight Against Toieva ... unbelievable in Eretz Yisrael

 we just read the Parsha of Balak, and master Jew hater Bilaam who knew how to get the young Jewish males into very compromising positions with midianite(Moabite) young women and their idol of ba’al pe’or, and we see how in our times a similar twisted forbidden sinful behavior is capturing Jewish nefashos

A rally promoting traditional family values held in what has become one of the LGBT EPICENTERS of Israel.

Family values' rally held in Mitzpe Ramon ahead of Pride Parade

Hundreds of people participated this evening (Thursday) in a series of events to strengthen family values ​​in Mitzpe Ramon.

The events took place in preparation for the "Pride Parade" which is scheduled to be held in the city on Friday and which is the event that marks the end of "Pride Month". In recent years, Mitzpe Ramon has become a scene of struggle between the LGBT organizations and their opponents, in light of the fact that the city has become home to some of the largest LGBT organizations in Israel.

The family values event began with a march and bicycle parade by the children of the community, continued with a gathering and dancing in the streets of the city, and ended with a series of speeches by rabbis and public figures.

Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, the head of the Eli premilitary academy, commented: "This is the beginning of a revolution in the people of Israel. Until a community keeps its head up and stands tall in its own sanctity, we cannot begin the change."

Rabbi Zvi Kostiner, head of the Hesder yeshiva in the city, added, "There are those who say it is not possible. On the other hand, we say that the sanctity of the family is possible. It is possible! All humanity means family. The people of Israel are more than that: Honor your father and your mother. This is the root. Wherever possible, with great love for every Jew, explain the simplest points."

Rabbi Kostiner's viewpoints on the matter have led to numerous threats against him, to the point where he has needed an armed security detail.

Michael Puah, the chairman of the Choosing Family movement who participated in the event, said: "A light of hope appeared today in Mitzpe Ramon. In the face of the movement of despair and dissolution, brave people stood up who said 'enough of being silent'. Faced with the encouragement of the trafficking of women through surrogacy and the trafficking of children through sperm banks, the moral voice arose that says every child deserves a distinct father and mother. This voice will bring good to the world and win."

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In Memory of Rabbi Nota Schiller z"tl