01 June 2023

Sefaria, SHMAD, Chinuch and Beyond


The SHMAD that has infiltrated our Chinuch, the Lesson of “Sefaria,” and Eliyahu HaNavi at Har Hakarmel

Choices must be made. Who will stand with Hashem and save their eternity?


As the Ge’ula draws closer and the spiritual battle between good and evil intensifies, in Hashem’s kindness, He is making the battle lines clearer, so that it is easier for us to discern tov from ra, and choose to stand with Him.

We, in turn, must pay attention, and steer clear of all who are associated with evil.

(Important note: Some people believe that since they are leading highly insulated lives, they are safe, and they have no need of my warnings. They are incorrect. The shmad is finding ways to reach every single community, even Me’ah She’arim. It comes under many different guises.)

Before Yom Tov, a headline appeared on a “heimishe” news site informing the public that Sefaria, a popular resource for digital access to Seforim, had taken the shocking step of adding a “gender sensitive” translation of Nach. In presenting this translation, Sefaria blatantly distorts Pesukim.

Surely, many frum people will now recognize that the people behind Sefaria are apikorsim, and the site must be totally shunned.

But it is important to know that this is not the first time that Sefaria is showing their true colors. My Rav says that long ago, they already had “seforim” authored by apikorsim on their site. And many months back, I was appalled when, in my research for an article, I came across an essay on Sefaria which is an unabashed attempt to be mattir mishkav zachar, עפרא לפומיה.

The story of Sefaria illuminates a crucial lesson that we must take to heart. It is tempting, when a publication or organization associates with apikorsim, or presents to’eiva or otherwise “woke,” non-Torah viewpoints, to make excuses for them and continue using their services. But that is a habit that we must break. Yarei Shamayim normally do not partner with deniers of Hashem and purveyors of rhetoric that goes against the Torah. If it happens by mistake, they correct it. When anti-Torah collaboration and content is continuous, it is a sign of apostasy, and should never be excused or overlooked.

Today, deniers of Hashem abound, and hand-in-hand with them are the sellers of “vvoke” ideology in all its forms. Tragically, there is a corresponding preponderance of “Jewish” companies and coalitions that are working together with the non-Jewish atheists, agnostics, and humanists.

The situation is reminiscent of that of Klal Yisrael in the time of King Achav, when worship of the Baal was rampant, but the people strangely saw no incongruity in combining a “frum” lifestyle with serving the Baal.

It took years of tremendous suffering through drought brought on by their aveiros for the population to be open to doing teshuva. Eliyahu HaNavi, the lone remaining prophet of Hashem (save for a hundred nevi’im hidden in caves, whose existence was unknown), summoned Klal Yisrael to an unprecedented and massive public demonstration of the falsehood of idolatry. Eliyahu challenged the four hundred and fifty false prophets of the Baal to prove their idol had power.

He cried to the Nation the words that reverberate through the ages:

וַיִּגַּשׁ אֵלִיָּהוּ אֶל־כָּל־הָעָם וַיֹּאמֶר עַד־מָתַי אַתֶּם פֹּסְחִים עַל־שְׁתֵּי הַסְּעִפִּים אִם־ה׳ הָאֱלֹקים לְכוּ אַחֲרָיו וְאִם־הַבַּעַל לְכוּ אַחֲרָיו וְלֹא־עָנוּ הָעָם אֹתוֹ דָּבָר

“How long will you dance between two opinions? If Hashem is G-d, go after Him, and if (chas veshalom), the Baal is, go after it!” (Melachim 18:21)

The people did not answer. Apparently, the years of exposure to idol worship had numbed their senses, and they did not fathom what was wrong with their lives.

We seem to be in a similar situation.

It is unthinkable to take government funding in exchange for changing the Limudei Kodesh curriculum of Chassidishe Yeshivos. But it IS being done.

It is not acceptable to bring a roster of people who publicly deny Hashem or promote issurim which are mechuyav misa, to speak to the Jewish community, with the event partly sponsored by an organization that exists SOLELY for the purpose of fighting belief in Hashem. It is not alright to attend such an event, and hiding behind an agenda of “improving healthcare” does not make it mutar. But it happened, just last week.

It is not okay to read or sell magazines published by those with a goal of modifying our Yiddishkeit, and containing advertisements by anti-Hashem forces – even as these magazines also contain Divrei Torah and articles about Gedolim.

Avoda Zarah and Haskala always come in disguise. Our job is to see through them.

The infiltration has gone very, very far. It has become shocking. Maybe now our people will start to recognize and understand that, as with the Sefaria story, troubling bits and pieces are a sign that something is very wrong, and that the time has come for a clean break from the forces of shmad.

Do not be fooled by the fact that they are many, powerful, well-connected and famous, while we are small and few. It is usually the small and few who are right.

The 450 false prophets of the Baal and 400 false prophets of the Ashera were connected to the king and queen and had royal sanction and support. Meanwhile, Eliyahu HaNavi had to stand as the lone voice for Hashem – and the king called him a “troublemaker.” But he was actually 100 percent right, and the rulership and the state-sanctioned majority were the ones responsible for all of the troubles that had befallen Klal Yisrael.

And no, it was not a “nuanced situation.” It was black and white. If you are for the Baal, you cannot be for Hashem, no matter how frum you may look. Maybe you have been making a mistake, but it’s a terrible mistake, and now you have to choose, as Eliyahu HaNavi told the people.

Haters and deniers of Hashem and of a pure Torah lifestyle have infiltrated us to an unimaginable degree. Their views are pumped in to our community in many ways, among them: through news – including sites masquerading as “frum,” through government enmeshment into our schools, through medical propaganda promoted by the C.Dee.C or A.EM.A and channeled through respected doctors and therapists, through community organizations funded by Reform or by the government, and through many “heimishe” publications, whose content and advertisements have shaped a generation.

Interestingly, the anti-G-d people package the Ma’aminim B’Hashem into one bunch, which is the mirror image of their own heretical cluster of beliefs. “They” say, “If you are one of those crazies who denies climate change, you believe that the world was created (gasp), and you dare to question the medical establishment, you are ‘anti-science’.”

Most frum people are in the dark, though, about the grouping of agendas. The majority of our community has no idea that the push for covid vaccination, for example, comes from the same exact “experts” who strongly support surgeries on children to “change their gender,” (and sterilize them), who blatantly promote to’eiva lifestyles, and who deny that Hashem created the world.

These beliefs really do go together. The people pushing the climate change lie, calling for us to give up driving cars and eating meat to “save the planet,” are the same ones who promote belief in evolution, and who call for population control and euthanasia – even as they pretend to want to “save lives” with the covid vaccine, which is known to have already killed millions and millions worldwide. For documented information on the murderous scheme, here is PhD David Martin’s recent talk to the European Parliament: He proves that we were lied to, and all these people have been killed in cold blood in the name of money, power, and control.

הכר נא – recognize! To whom have so many been pledging allegiance?

Where you see talk of “climate change” (the real causes of which are enumerated in the second paragraph of Kriyas Shema), where you see defense of L.', where you see promotion of contraception and abortion - weighty Halachic topics which belong between a person and their Rav, not in the public sphere – know that there is a LOT MORE that is ROTTEN TO THE CORE that is hiding behind these topics.

Look more closely at the people who promote the above, and you will find that they or those they associate with are full-fledged apikorsim, distorters of Torah, or even deniers of Briyas Ha’olam and atheists. Even if they claim to be Jewish.

We are now in a time of Shmad. “VVoke” is the Haskala of today, it is everywhere, and it is COMPLETELY ASUR IN ALL ITS FORMS.

We must be vigilantly on guard and scrutinize carefully any doctor, therapist, or organization that is brought in to our community. We must wonder what beliefs and lifestyle changes they are coming to influence.

We must stop buying and reading publications which shamelessly advertise the anti-Hashem organizations, such as JOWMA.

We must reject government funding and “oversight” of our children’s chinuch.

We must boycott all companies which promote anti-Hashem agendas, such as Target and Kohl’s (which rolled out a horrible line of to’eiva products aimed at children), Adidas and Nike (which had men modeling women’s clothing.)

A new requirement by a government agency to “include pronouns” in all emails sent by their employees would seem to be asur to comply with, as it is purely for the sake of entrenching their to’eiva agenda.

We must recognize that the Center for []  (C.Dee.C) is a critical player among those who want to change our lifestyle and beliefs. They are here to hurt us, not to help us, and anyone who is coming as their shliach is not to be trusted. The C.Dee.C has numerous pages on their site demonstrating their passionate promotion of transgender and to’eiva.

In fact, all of the following previously respected medical bodies now openly support “gender-changing” surgery - surgery which is mutilating, but which they euphemistically term “gender affirming:”

National Institute of Health (NIH)

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

American College of Gynecologists (ACOG)

Health and Human Services (HHS)

Cleveland Clinic

How is it logical for a sane person to continue to trust the “medical opinions” of these woke and corrupt organizations? How can a ma’amin B’Hashem continue to partner with them or accept their guidance?

But that IS happening. These organizations and others who are diametrically opposed to the Torah ARE influencing our communities.

In fact, representatives from the C.Dee.C traveled from Atlanta especially to take part in the “frum healthcare conference” held on May 21 in Williamsburg.

The tentacles have reached very, very far into us, but we must extract them, painful as it may be.

There are influences that are apparently unconscious, in which publications which do not MEAN harm BUT have let their standards slip, are gravely hurting the community without trying to.

The hashpa’ah of an “innocent” “frum” publication which has articles sourced from anti-Hashem sites, ascribing “natural” causes to events and not mentioning the Borei Olam, read week after week, year after year, is insidious.

And then there are influences that are very conscious. There are mosdos which accept government funding for LIMUDEI KODESH textbooks – with the condition that the ruchniyus is removed. Their HALACHA seforim no longer say “we must do such-and-such.” The Din is presented for those who wish to follow it, as if it is optional, chas veshalom. The Nissim and Emuna have DISAPPEARED from their materials. עפרא לפומיה. Is it a wonder that thousands of children are gone, Rachmana litzlan?

There are organizations that are receiving money from Reform sources or from the government to promote “woke” ideology in our communities. An example of this is the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, which is supported by UJA (Reform) and therefore promotes the liberal political candidates that Reform wants to see in office. BPJCC also receives government funding.

BPJCC channels government money to JOWMA, which makes events promoting to’eiva, contraception, and abortion to our community – often by sheitel-wearing doctors.

BPJCC was also a sponsor of the “frum healthcare event” which we have previously discussed.

Science Saves, another one of the sponsors of the event, is the exact same organization as “Center for Inquiry,” which exists only for the purpose of promoting non-belief in Hashem.

Center for Inquiry’s (Science Saves) mission statement is:



“We are looking to help keep science, reason and secular values in the forefront of society. We are working to keep governments secular, schools teaching evolution.”

Every attendee at the “frum” event had the “Science Saves” symbol of kefira on the back of their name tag.

I’m sure that most of the people wearing this “tzelem” had no idea what it meant, especially as it was hidden amongst many logos of Jewish medical clinics.

One must be extremely naive to believe that Science Saves sponsored this event out of pure love for the religious Jewish community and with no motive to effect a change in our Yiddishkeit.

I have already shown documentation of the published “anti-creationist” (anti-Hashem) “educational goals” of the keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Hotez, and of the published promotion of abortion by two other speakers at the event.

The organizer of this May 21 “frum healthcare event” had previously appeared in a documentary called “Shot in the Arm” together with Dr. […] Fawci, a self-declared “humanist” (the definition of a humanist is, a non-believer in Hashem.) The documentary was produced by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, a self-declared agnostic, who wrote, “Let there be no doubt that as they are currently practiced, there is no common ground between science and religion.”

Where do we go from here?

As shocking as all the above is, it can be readily understood in light of the Mishna at the end of Sotah on the period called עקבתא דמשיחא. The primary lesson there is that everything will collapse. And אין לנו להשען אלא על אבינו שבשמים - we will have NO ONE to rely on except for our Father in Heaven.

As Reb Elchonon Wasserman zatzal explained it, everything we thought reliable will show itself to be completely unreliable - which in essence is the destruction of Avoda Zara, since reliability is a Divine attribute. The only “thing” left to rely on is אבינו שבשמים.

The Mishna mentions המלכות תיהפך למינות, meaning that all institutions of power will change into KEFIRA.


Looking back at the times of the Misyavnim, the Haskala, and the Yevsektsia, we all readily recognize that it was an Eis Shmad, and all the propaganda and regulations were for one purpose only – to rip us away from Hashem. We now know that only the few who stood strong against the tide survived. We realize in hindsight the critical necessity of those generations UNDERSTANDING what was going on in their times, in order to fight it and save their families.


May the Borei Olam have rachmanus on us and help Klal Yisrael to open their eyes and hearts.


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• For our previous articles on critical topics affecting Klal Yisrael, please see

• You can find more information on the important subjects that we are bringing to the attention of the tzibbur by reading the books D’Ma’os Shel Malochim (in Hebrew), Ki Lo Sishochach Mipi Zar’o (in Yiddish), and the Shiurim of Rav Shmuel Lazer Friedman.

We have only touched on the chinuch infiltration here. There is a world of evidence to present regarding what has been done and the destruction it has wrought in our communities, Rachmana Litzlan.


Author:  Boruch Weiss From Agudas Anshei Emes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yasher Koach for exposing all this tumah. This is the time of birur and that is why I believe we are so close to the coming of our goel tzedek. The world has never been punished with this severe onesh, since the time before the Great Flood in the time of Noach. Those who are supposedly religious, individuals and organizations, which are part of this tumah and promote it are the Erev Rav within and are being exposed for whom and what they are.
There are many good people who don't know much of Torah in any way, but are smart enough and aware of what is going on. But too many have fallen and are falling into the trap.
We need H's Rachamim.


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