04 June 2023

Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l – Fighting To'eiva

Fighting To’eiva: Rav Avigdor Miller, almost 40 years ago, sounded the battle cry. Where have we been? by Boruch Weiss 


Q:  Here are the words of Rav Avigdor Miller zatzal, from 1986:

A:  What should one do now that the Gay-Rights Bill has passed in New York?

We have to maintain a constant battle against the Gay-Rights Bill. We have to bombard all the politicians with letters or other means to let them know we're very angry; we won't stand for it.

And I'll explain what's doing. This bill can be implemented in a soft-peddled way and it can be implemented in a militant way. If there will be a big angry reaction from all the citizenry, so they'll be slow, they'll be careful in being militant about it. Because the way the gays really want is, they want that the youth should be taught that this is a perfectly normal way of life. They want to corrupt the entire youth; and don’t be mistaken about it!

They also want to teach Mankind that little boys can be taken off the street. They want to lower the age of consent and that way for the sake of a candy bar they can get little boys to be their victims.

Now this wickedness it seems to us very far from reality. But you have to know the North American Man-Love-Boy Association says that openly. And Koch (Mayor of New York City) yemach shemo vezichro marched together with them in the Gay Rights parade.

And that's what they want. They want our children too! It’s no joke; it’s very serious. And so any little boy in the streets can be bribed by a candy bar. And once he gets into a bad habit, he's ruined for life.

And therefore, not like up till now you were asleep; the Jewish people were asleep and the general public is asleep surely. Those who listen to the radio and read the New York Times don't have their brains of their own; they just think what the media tell them – and the media is controlled by gays.

But the Jewish people, those that have some sense, have to maintain their constant drumming and battling. Constantly bothering them, pestering them with letters all the time. And don’t think it's not a mitzvah; it's a big mitzvah to do it all the time. Write letters to all the politicians. Write letters to everybody else. Wake up the rabbis who are asleep! They don't know what's doing here. They think it's none of our business, they don’t realize that this evil is penetrating into frum houses too; it's penetrating.

And therefore we have to battle for our lives against gay rights.

TAPE # 591 (March 1986)

* * * * *

The LEAST we can do right now is to boycott Target, Kohl’s, Nike, Adidas, and all the other companies that are vigorously promoting to’eiva.

There is a HUGE Target boycott going on right now in the outside world, after Target unveiled a revolting line of “pride” products aimed at children.

The boycott is having a wonderful effect, Baruch Hashem:

That SHOULD have been US, the Am Hashem, leading the way. The least we can do is to join.

And, we must publicly call out any “Jewish” companies, schools, or organizations that are supporting or promoting deviant lifestyles.

But what about making a huge public demonstration for the honor of Hashem? That is our DUTY. When will we do it?

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