08 June 2023

MK Simcha Rothman in a debate with Prof. Alan Dershowitz



Anonymous said...

As usual, Dershowitz is Dershowitz, always a leftist liberal, no matter how much he would deny that.
Simcha Rothman spoke extremely well. This has nothing to do with a right agenda or a left agenda. He spoke pure truth with real common sense.
The israeli (so-called democratic court) is considered to be the most draconian court in the democratic world. They appoint themselves and can overturn any ruling by the pm, parliament or military. They dictate!!! That is the only way to describe their oxymoronic version of democracy. The protesters against this reform are afraid of this because they feel they will lose their power of governance which has been that way for the last 75 years. Even when the so-called right wing government wins, it has always really ruled 'left'.
We should all pray that Simcha Rothman and his beautiful view of real justice prevail. Nothing less. We must also never forget that Israel is the Jewish Homeland of the Jewish people who live and survive only because of our G-D Given Holy Torah. That is our LAW BOOK!

Neshama said...

Well said. Yes I like this guy also.
He even did not buy Angel for previous Shabbat.

Bitachon 200 - Wake Up War

We continue our study together of the passuk in Tehillim perek 91 passuk 2, as we look at the whole chapter and see how it applies to those ...