06 June 2023

In Rockland County NY State Something is Brewing

 ...and it’s not the inviting aroma of coffee

Rockland Writes: Out of Touch - AI Coming Now to Your Local Doctor's Office!

I would like to sound the alarm over news that I find deeply disturbing. Whereas so many of our rabbanim have declared using AI completely assur in order to preserve the health of our neshamas, we have just gotten the news that AI is taking over one more arena, and now our physical health is in danger as well. 

AI is now coming to your local doctor's office!

According to the company which makes the new AI tool, utilizing the new process will save doctors as much as ten minutes per patient by generating a medical chart based on audio recordings of the patient's visit, like lab results and doctor's notes to create a summary of the patient visit. Along with recommendations, the new AI technology can even create codes for diagnoses and billing. 

The idea is all about saving already overburdened doctors' time so they can see more patients. 

Trusting our health to some mindless algorithm seems a foolish endeavor at best and a chancy one, even if it saves time.

Whatever happened to the healing touch attributed to our doctors? Are even doctor's visits going to lose that last vestige of humanity as well as we turn over more and more to our "trusty" AI, which, the last I heard, is prone to making up lies on a whim, recreating history and arguing for the far left while refusing to support the right? 

Have we lost our minds so completely that artificial intelligence is now the only way humanity can ever think again? 

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

How can a Yiddishe kup even contemplate using this new tiruf set upon the world?
At least, B'H, the g'dolei hador have put an issur on this newest tiruf.
Guess since there's no more common sense by so many in these end times, they'll eventually have to realize that only G-D's Laws and teachings work and, therefore, have to learn the hard way.
The doctors more than others need to wake up & do teshuva and think twice because they have a place in gehinom waiting for them.


Neshama said...

I posted this article bc of the statement of the Rabbonim.
I haven’t see an ISSUR printed anywhere else!

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