07 September 2020

Indiscriminate Discrimination


[Someone has a predisposition to *target the Haredim as being the main spreaders” and most infected, when making blanket decisions about who gets “tested” and who gets “quarantined” and who gets put under “lockdown”. Since the number of morbidity vs number of population is the correct analysis and NOT the “percentages” within the number of deceased blasted on news headlines. Also, “testing” does not infer “infection”; as everyone knows that the R-PCR Testing does NOT RECOGNIZE ANY SPECIFIC VIRUS and could relate to merely the common cold or any one of the myriad of coronaviruses. WHAT IS THE CRITERIA BEING USED to indiscriminately designate someone  a “case”? And a “case” is not an “infection” and may not show “symptoms” and may not “get sick.”  What is the “Yearly” rate of morbidity vs the number of deceased during the year 2020? AND the push for the Flu Vaccine will most likely produce a so-called “THIRD WAVE” blamed on the coronavirus, which in reality it is the Flu Vaccine that exacerbates respiratory illnesses.]


Following the visit of former Defense Minister and Yamina party head, MK Naftali Bennett, to the haredi-national-religious city of Elad on Sunday, Mayor Yisrael Porush spoke with Arutz Sheva on the current situation in his city, and the threat of a lockdown (starting Monday) hanging over it, after Elad was designated a “red” zone.

“As you know, [MK Naftali] Bennett was here earlier today,” Mayor Porush tells me. “He seems to understand what’s going on here, and he wants to help. It’s just a shame that he’s not Defense Minister today… He wouldn’t be dealing with the situation in the way the government is dealing with it. He knows how to listen, he understands, and he wants to know what’s going on – and I hope that he’ll figure out how to make his voice heard, but I doubt that they’ll take any notice of him, just as they don’t take any notice of us.”

The mayor alleges that the government is showing evident bias in the way it presents the morbidity statistics for haredi cities as opposed to the way in which it treats secular cities. “This is what happens when you test every single yeshiva student,” he points out. “Do you really think there are no coronavirus carriers in Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Holon, and Or Yehuda? No – what happens in such places is that if they don’t have symptoms, they just stay home [and don’t bother to get tested]. 

And 98 percent of yeshiva students don’t have symptoms, but they tested them anyway in order to push us into the ‘red.’ We were already a ‘yellow’ city – we got past the ‘orange’ and became ‘yellow’ – but then they did hundreds of tests and this is the result. So there you have it – they’re stronger than us, and if they want to hit us hard, they know exactly how to do it.”

Mayor Porush blames those dealing with the coronavirus crisis for arousing hatred of haredim among the general population. “This is beginning to remind me of the stories we were told as children, about how the non-Jews used to accuse the Jews of spreading disease – and now this is what’s happening here. Last week, I was in Yehud and in Or Yehuda, and I attended several weddings which were packed with people where no one was wearing a face mask. And just look at what **goes on today at the cultural centers, on the beaches – but we just have to swallow whatever they throw at us.”  Reported at arutzsheva.


*However, nearly ALL ‘red’ areas are in Arab population areas.

** Lets not overlook the PROTESTS: how many are getting sick each week? Are they being TESTED every week? This is disgraceful and prejudicial. These “so-called protests” are nothing more than Anarchy Demonstrations infected by the Antifa Gang in America (and most likely some imported to Israel).


LTC said...

Sorry to disappoint you and your nutty ideas... But while I'm opposed to much of the protests and the violence, there is a large - and growing - body of data, at least in the US, that the protests did not serve as virus spreader events.

Maybe being outdoors is enough, maybe a high enough percentage wearing masks... That's unclear. But they have not spread covid-19 as much as indoor gatherings.

Neshama said...

They need to be tested every week regardless of inside vs. outside, just like they force testing of Haredim.
First decent comment by u.
Who turned you on to my blog?

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

LTC: The violence is bad enough, possibly worse than Covid-19. A lot of those "protesters" know how to sneak up behind someone and knock them out with one blow, making them go face down right on the pavement or tarmac, and then leave them for dead!

I hope this doesn't happen to you. Anyway, Neshama's point is about discrimination against religious Jews. If we're going to get to closure on the virus, all those secular people who crowd, even outside, will have to get tested too.

Neshama said...

Thank you HDG. This has been happening lately that comments are not really relating to content purpose of the post or are just coming from the commenter’s negativity. Must be the heat ⛄️⛄️🥵🥵

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

I just found out that the seculars are switching the mode on their smartphones from the default to "airplane mode" - thus making contact tracing impossible! Viral apathy in Israel

Maybe the haredim with smartphones should do this too (I seem to recall that most don't have them). And if they get put down yet again, refer the naysayers to the article above.

Now testing for the virus - without discrimination, if it's even real - should be performed equally on secular protesters.

However, I think Israelis are not as dumb as we look. All this attempt at confusing us and making us conform is NOT WORKING.


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