04 September 2020

Reb Neuberger: Ki Savo – Where is the EVIL INCLINATION?


By Roy S. Neuberger


Last week we discussed whether Corona is a curse.

 As I said, Mitzraim (Ancient Egypt) had to be destroyed in order to free our ancestors. They had to leave Egypt -- physically -- and shed the Egyptian mentality -- spiritually -- in order to become Hashem’s servants. 

The same is true today: we have to be liberated from Western culture in order to welcome Moshiach and merit the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdosh. That is why Western culture is crumbling before our eyes, just as Egyptian culture crumbled in Biblical times.

This is why I believe that Corona is not over. It is not a curse any more than the Ten Plagues were a curse. As the Haggadah explicitly states, “Hashem brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm….”

The hallmark of Edom (Western culture) is arrogance. Edom believes he can and should control this world. Edom has developed technology and science with which he is trying to create his vision of “paradise.” In fact, Edom’s “paradise” is rapidly dissolving into “Gehenom” and chaos. The perfect world which Hashem created in six days is becoming sick with moral and physical pollution as the civilization of Edom descends into anarchy.

Just as Edom feels that he can control the world through technology, so Paro (Pharaoh) in Biblical Egypt felt that he was the god who ruled the world. Paro was cut down by the Ten Plagues, and today Edom is being cut down by the plagues which are being sent by the Master of the Universe to bring us back to our senses.

The arrogant nations are doomed. Thus, the Prophet says, in this week’s Haftara, “the nation and the kingdom that will not serve you shall be lost, and the nations utterly destroyed….”  (Yeshiah 60:12 ff)

Edom may be unable to control this plague.

Some doctors believe that vaccines may not be effective because the antibodies do not last. What will happen if medical science cannot control Corona? Edom will have to understand that his entire world-view – the belief that he can “conquer nature” through science and technology -- is a house of cards which is collapsing.

Not only Corona! Nothing in nature may be controllable by man! Our Rabbis tell us, “Hakol bidai Shomayim … everything is in the hands of Heaven except the fear of heaven.” (Brachos 33b; Rashi on Dvarim 10:12)

There is nothing to rely upon except Torah. As King Solomon says, “The sum of the matter, when all has been considered: fear G-d and keep His commandments, for that is man’s whole duty.” (Koheles 12:13)

My friends, only a few weeks remain before Rosh Hashanah. We have to cry out to Hashem to save us as the world collapses around us.

How can we do teshuva?

How can we improve over this year, which has brought so much tzouris into the world? How can we try to come to grips with our Evil Inclination, which has such power over us?

What makes the Evil Inclination strong?

We mistakenly believe the Evil Inclination is identical with us. We mistakenly believe that our essence is evil. We have learned from Western culture to accept a concept called “original sin.” Edom believes that his essence is evil and therefore he feels doomed – which he actually is because of this attitude! – to eternal subjugation by the forces of evil.

But this is not true!

The Evil Inclination is not identical with us! Indeed, it is intrinsically separate! 

When Chava (Eve) swallowed the prohibited fruit in the Garden of Eden, she “ingested” the Evil Inclination. Thus, this powerful force entered Chava and all her children throughout history, bringing destruction and death – rebellion against Hashem – into the world.

But we are able to separate ourselves from the Evil Inclination and rule over it by letting the Torah rule over us. Every morning we beseech Hashem, “Do not let the Evil Inclination dominate us! …. Compel our Evil Inclination to be subservient to You!”

Just as Moshe Rabbeinu caused the snake to perform miracles before Pharaoh, so we can separate ourselves from the Evil Inclination, subjugating it to the will of Hashem.

“Elokai, neshoma shenasata bi tahara hi … Hashem, the soul that You placed within me is pure!” If we understand this, then the Evil Inclination cannot rule over us. At that moment, we will free ourselves from the corrupt, surrounding culture and bring Redemption to the world.

May we greet Moshiach ben Dovid this year and see the rebuilt Bais Hamikdosh! 

Roy Neuberger’s latest book,

HOLD ON: Surviving the Days Before Moshiach

Available at Jewish bookstores and online at and

“Hold On” is soon to be released in Hebrew

as “Tachzik Chazak” (Feldheim Publishers)

Roy and his wife speak publicly and via Zoom


Jesterhead45 said...

While the belief that man can conquer nature is an issue with regards to Edom (even if that knowledge and creativity comes from Hashem himself), at the same time there also exists a luddite anti-human "environmentalist" portion within Edom influenced civilizations that has a similar view yet either seeks to ascribe it not to Hashem but rather to nature / earth itself in a form of idol worship to impose on the rest of humanity or use that guise as a vehicle to overtly control the world, kill of most of humanity and remake the world in their own twisted image.

moshe said...

Jesterhead, Sounds right!

Leah said...

There are videos about the elite led wanting to depopulate the world....G-d forbid these entities get their way...

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