15 September 2020

Cause of High Case Numbers is Over-Testing

This was deliberate in order to inflate numbers, but when one checks actual sick patients and the dying, it comparable to the same numbers from the yearly flu. Therefore torturing the people over lockdowns and masks, KILLS the economy and distressed people. Cases that enter the hospital get reimbursed funds from the govt. There are many factors involved.

High Number of Coronavirus Cases may be due to Oversensitive Testing

"If the number of ‘rounds' is reduced, the number of patients may be smaller – and then the pressure to close the country will also be smaller." JPost

Samples taken from the subjects are transferred to the PCR device in the laboratory to identify the genetic material of the coronavirus. The device tries to detect signs of the virus in a process that is repeated dozens of times.

[...] The Health Ministry has set a quota of 37 rounds. In Germany a quota of 30 rounds was set, and the United States requires 34.

Prof. Shlomo Maayan, director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, estimates that if there is an adjustment in Israel to the number of rounds in other countries, the number of patients reported may be only hundreds per day instead of thousands.[...]

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In other words, they tweak the genetic material until it show a 'casual connection' to a coronavirus (and we have stated there are a myriad of such viruses in our genetic makeup). Therefore, many or most “cases” are not infected with the sickening novel virus; and therefore, the entire political nonsense is crippling  and killing people from the lockdowns, quarantines, and depression and anxiety, not to mention those who do not obtain their ongoing medical treatments out of fear of catching a virus in the hospitals.

AND if those who begin to show actual COVID-19 symptoms were given the HCQ protocol, many more would recover quickly and many would  not have to be intubated and put on respirators to eventually possibly pass from this world.

EVEN DR FAUCI TAKES VITAMIN C AND VITAMIN D (three guesses what for) However the doses recommended by this site, is way way off for combating the “Virus”. Rather, visit your health professional naturopathic for precise doses for your specific makeup.

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Finally, some action to be taken:

Health Expert Predicts Eventual COVID-19 Commission of Inquiry

Health Communication Lecturer at IDC Herzliya International School Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz: 'This peddling the epidemic will also be judged.’

[…] Shir Raz today wrote: "Remember my investigative article that revealed the inflation of the number of coronavirus deaths that was removed from Ynet a month-and-a-half ago after its publication?

"So now the truth is revealed, and a storm is brewing in the Knesset Coronavirus Committee:

"MK Yifat Shasha-Biton: 'I have data from one of the hospitals that 23% of the patients who were reported to have died from coronavirus did not die from the virus!’[…]  arutzsheva


LTC said...

Give it up. No respectable and well read physician uses HCQ anymore. It's been shown to do nothing. Real physicians who practice real medicine have moved on.

moshe said...

No surprise. This has been evident from the first few weeks of this mageifah that was orchestrated to anyone who took the time to think it over and read and learn to realize what's going on. The more they test, the more the so-called positive outcomes, but that does not in any way mean they are sick or going to be. Those prone to the yearly flu (especially if they took the flu vaccine) are more likely to be prone to this virus and maybe because their immune systems are weak. Every virus has a time span, but it seems this one does not - how convenient! Also, the same tactics with death certificates being signed off with 'covid 19' as in the U.S. is also being used in Israel and probably in most other countries, even though they passed from other causes, not the covid. Unbelievable. Most everyone I speak to knows this already. People are gullible, but eventually they do wake up from their slumber. Wishing a Ketivah v'Chatimah Tovah to all the Bnai Yisrael and a speedy Refuah Shleimah to all who need it!

Neshama said...

Moshe, look at what this crazy commenter said.
He’s really off his rocker.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...