21 September 2020


The public doesn't understand that the threat is real.  arutzsheva  We’ll have 800 seriously ill patients by the end of the week, and with 40 more every day,' says Ronni Gamzu .

  • The headlines this morning about what transpired over our two day Rosh Hashanah are alarming.
  • Why is it that even though ‘most’ Israelis wear ‘masks’ the ‘virus’ is claiming many many ‘victims'?
  • Locking humanity inside because a "tiny particle” is attacking Israelis in itself will claim the lives of many. In fact, since March 2020 there have been over 500 suicides from "lockdown distress and loss of income.
  • There may be a different way to look at this magefa plaguing Am Yisrael?
  • Is there a connection between Rosh Hashana, The Day of Judgment, and an increase of infections?
  • Will anyone dare to connect the two, and inform the public that maybe they need to reach out to the G–D of Israel for understanding and supplication, during these 10 days of Teshuva up to Yom Kippur?
  • Why don’t the Rabbis blow Shofar by the Kotel? And beseech HKB”H for an end to this Magefa?

Sweden's Chief Epidemiologist: 'We are happy with our strategy' on Covid-19

Interview in Sweden

Cloth masks might facilitate transmission of pathogens when used repeatedly without adequate sterilization. greenmedinfo  Click here to read the complete article 
 [does this mean re-inhaling germs and toxins, i.e., producing so-called ‘positive testing’?]

AG Barr: Coronavirus Lockdowns “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” since slavery

Attorney General William Barr called lockdown measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus “the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history,” comparing it to slavery. He also likened stay-at-home orders to being put under “house arrest” and warned that a medical pandemic “doesn’t give a blank check” to executive rules that infringe on civil liberties.

The attorney general made these comments Sep. 16, during a Constitution Day event hosted by the conservative Hillsdale College. He gave a speech focusing on the role of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and criticizing the selective application of the law by some district attorneys. Attorney General Barr then answered questions from the audience after delivering his remarks.

Attorney General Barr also disagreed with letting medical professionals decide on business openings and closures during the event. “The person in the white coat is not the grand seer who can come up with the right decision for society,” he said, adding that a free people makes its decisions “through its elected representatives.” His statement elicited applause from audience members.

Barr: A staunch opponent of liberty-infringing lockdowns 

More Here: theepochtimes and naturalnews



Here is what one Israel “Kupat” gives as criteria for being allowed to be tested:

Members who experience symptoms of fever over 38 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, extreme weakness, diarrhea or loss of sense of taste and smell will contact the 

attending physician

 It seems that by the time one waits til these symptoms appear, they have lost half the battle of getting well .and insures hospitalization

Dr Zelenko’s sage advice was to begin treatment protocol as soon as possible to keep the not well out of the hospital and out of danger of dying. His protocol is HCQ 200mg twice a day for 5 days; Zinc sulphate 220mg once a day for 5 days; and Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days. [keep eyes open for the October surprise]

1 comment:

moshe said...

Of course, if Dr Zelenko's advice would have been taken from the very start and 'all' doctors would be honest and uncorrupted, there would not have been nor would there be the disaster that's been thrown on civilization. This is just 'control'. People must wake up and demand that they have the control and knowledge to do what is best for themselves because this is just as AG Barr says, 'slavery'.
Hydroxy cocktail is the answer!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...