13 September 2020

Distorting history: Accusing Israel of doctoring Abbas video

Palestinians Education 101: 

Distorting history: Accusing Israel of doctoring Abbas video 

A video showing Abbas ordering child murder was not believed by US Sec. of State. He only had to do some homework.  Article by Alex Grobman

In the September 11th, 2020 edition of The Jewish Insider, Matthew Kassel writes that Bob Woodward recounts an incident on May 22, 2017, when President Trump met with Netanyahu in Israel and gave him a video of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

“It sounded like Abbas was ordering the murder of children,” Woodward wrote. Trump, who was to meet with Abbas the next day was appalled. But US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who watched the “spliced-together” video, believed Netanyahu had manipulated the tape to “counter any pro-Palestinian sentiments that were surfacing,” according to Woodward, though Jared Kushner disputed this accusation.

Had Woodward bothered to do his homework, he would have found that both the PA and Hamas regularly incite their children to murder Jews to this very day. No one had to doctor the video. Secretary of State Tillerson should have known better.

Either Woodward did not research the subject or he relied on either complicit, gullible and/or naïve American legislators, who were clearly duped by or in league with the Arabs or their sympathizers.

[…] What these legislators failed to acknowledge is the well-documented fact that Arabs themselves are exploiting their own children, whom they inspire and incite to commit violent and life-threatening acts, while rewarding their families, who become less inclined to prevent them.

[…] On August 3, 2020, PMW reported the PA’s abuse their own children by educating them to see terrorists as role models. Palestinian Arab children are urged to strive for Martyrdom and “offer their blood,” become child soldiers, and see themselves as mere “ammunition.”

[…] “Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago. Now it’s Hamas’s turn,” the headline read. “What we are suffering through today is not a battle of Jew versus Arab or Israeli versus Palestinian,” Wiesel declared. “Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism.”

Dr. Alex Grobman has an MA and PhD in Contemporary Jewry from the Hebrew University. He is Senior Resident Scholar at John C. Danforth Society, and a member of the Council of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. He lives in Jerusalem.

Source: arutzsheva

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