29 September 2020


 This was the first Yom Kippur (hopefully the last) in the era of the China virus.

Each year I notice how the shul I daven in becomes a magnet for Israelis at the opening and  ending of the day;at Kol Nidre  and Neila.  Obviously not  "in their element" they peep into windows, loiter outside. sometimes rows deep, wearing what they deem appropriate for the strange occasion; they are pulled to the moment.

What is the attraction?

Each year I look at the faces of those drawn  to the shul  twice  a year -  both on the same day.
I wonder what  it  means.
They are part of the Jewish People; my People . They seem to be clinging  to the last  strands that connect them to the "old time religion".
Are they covering their bets ; maybe there is something to this day of forgiveness after all?
Are they exhibiting a  sign of solidarity with our traditions that have always defined us  as a People?

This year the action took place outdoors as all the shuls were locked.
This brought the drama to the streets.

Arnona neighborhood  where I live for the last fifteen years, I am told, was totally secular  not long before I arrived.
The  rabbi of the main shul in which I daven ( now there are many smaller ones too) told me that thirty years ago it was difficult to gather a minyan.
Today, a good number of  the residents are observant. There are many  North  American and Europeans who brought the "old religion" to the secular Israeli neighborhood.

In the streets this year  many  minyanim contributed to the special sounds and sights  of the special day.
Ashkanazi, Sephardi, Chabad...

Getting back to the twice a year visitors; yes  they came again seeking to commune  with  what they may feel  ambivalent towards  during the year.
The "pintele  Yid'?

The "pintele Yid" in Israel is different from his counterpart  outside of Israel.

Outside Israel. the streets are not closed on Yom Kippur.
It is not a national holy day.
Commerce and government do not shut down
The media does not shut down.
The public arena does not change for a moment.
The language of prayer is not their mother tongue.

The "pintile" spark in the heart of Diaspora Jews must overcome a multitude of obstacles and  distractions for it to be ignited, even for a fleeting moment.

Yes,  this Yom Kippur  gave me food for thought about our People here and abroad.

Shalom Pollack 

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