14 September 2020

The Puppets and the Puppeteer

The Puppeteer Beamed a Wide Smile Over His Puppets . . . And then 

A voice was heard in the Corona Village, a sound threatening and foreboding, it proclaimed that something terrifying, was happening to them, and it was coming from the town’s eateries.

The kindly and very friendly village folk looked at Nature ’s bounty on their plate, looked to the left and to the right at each other in shock, what was happening?

The voice reverberated again, “everyone immediately stop eating those veggies, get up and out.” The bewildered folk got up and walked out of their kosher eatery and left behind Nature’s abundant blessings.

Then the Czar of the Corona Village closed and boarded up the village’s social eateries.

The bewildered obedient village folk ambled to their nests.

And so, this is what happened on that day in Corona Village when all the eateries were shut, even their houses of worship were boarded up and stopped all the folks from entering.

* * *

All over the world the voice reverberated. In Israel The Great Synagogue, closed for first time on Rosh Hashanah, will not have their voices climbing, beseeching the ONE ON HIGH.

In America too. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the spiritual pinnacles of the Jewish calendar, will look very different this year in many synagogues around the Jewish world because of the novel coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe over the last eight months. Some will be shuttered entirely and move to online services alone, some will combine real-world prayers with the virtual kind, and some, especially those in the Orthodox world, will hold physical prayer services on a reduced scale and in scaled-back formats. 

In Australia, NO MINYAN FOR ROSH HASHANA “. . . if the infection rate decreases, they’ll allow five people to daven together with a sixth person as the chazzan“ “Our state, Victoria, where Melbourne is located, announced … restrictions … for another two to four weeks … after we’ve already been in lockdown for six consecutive weeks.” and  "numbers are strictly limited and booking is essential YWN

In the UK, “a minyan in a private garden, public park or other public outdoor space will not be allowed and those who hold one or take part may be fined”.

Loudly it beamed, "People who tested positive for COVID-19 were twice as likely to report eating recently at a restaurant…"

[the] Infectious disease expert Dr. .... "says he isn’t eating at indoor or outdoor restaurants," as heard in a soft universal voice on September 11 in the town crier, Market Watch (economy folks) thewatchfuleye  

Very good Fauci, they heard you!


1 comment:

Gavriela Dvorah said...

Oy...sigh...we have to be at the end. Ishmael is coming to take the inheritance he believes was his. The final test of our emunah. We Torah Jews must stand strong and hold on tight. gmar chatima tova.

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