24 September 2020


Zelenko Protocol" discoverer Dr. Vladimir Zelenko today announced he has ended a seven-day Twitter suspension he was subjected to for having reported on the efficacy of his treatment with his patients.

As COVID-19 treatment by hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate continues to be suppressed by mainstream media and social media networks, Zelenko reports he has been saving his patients' lives with his Zelenko Protocol since March.

Dr. Zelenko wrote: "Twitter suspended me for 7 days for saying that xxxx works for Covid," with "xxxx" understood to refer to hydroxychloroquine. "Thank G-d I’m surviving and still in the fight. Ty so much for your positive blessings and support. It really helps; keep up [morale]."

Dr. Zelenko's outpatient treatment regimen consists of hydroxychloroquine, 200mg twice a day for five days; azithromycin, 500mg once a day for five days; and zinc sulfate, 220mg once a day for five days. "We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell," wrote Dr. Zelenko. "We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well-tolerated; hence the risk to the patient is low.”  arutzsheva

1 comment:

moshe said...

Just proves how effective the Hydroxychloroquin cocktail is that they are supressing it to the degree that so many are still unaware that such medication even exists and/or believe everything they hear and read on the media. Yasher koach to Dr. Zelenko for keeping up his righteous fight against these powers. We pray that H' Watches over him and he wins the fight. G'mar Chatimah Tovah!
BTW, half the doctors, at least, are showing how corrupt they can be; a conservative radio station had this woman doctor on and she poo poo'd the cocktail and insuated it's of no real use, and insists on a vaccine. They're all part of the cabal.

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