23 September 2020


 BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA

Of course most everyone will be tested positive or even false positive!

This was important enough that I wanted to get it out immediately. My research into the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences has lead to a stunning discovery. One of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA!

The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences are what get amplified by the PCR process in order to be detected and designated a “positive” test result. It just so happens this exact same18-character sequence, verbatim, is also found on Homo sapiens chromosome 8! As far as I can tell, this means that the WHO test kits should find a positive result in all humans. Can anyone explain this otherwise?

I really cannot overstate the significance of this finding. At minimum, it should have a notable impact on test results.

* * * * *

Psychologically, many who test positive and feel ill will head to the hospital in fear of dying when all they need to do is swallow the HCQ Protocol and in a week most will feel much much better.

What is the Israeli Government doing?



Comments from site:

This is the WHO protocol. I also came across several private companies (Sigma-Aldrich, Thermo Fisher) whose PCR primer sequences were longer and had no such match. So I am not saying that ALL test kits belong to WHO, but if we were to find shenanigans we would expect to find it with the WHO. This really has me shaken, and I am really starting to believe that the WHO designed a test where they would be able to find a positive anywhere they wanted to find one. Also, the PCR test process is inherently very error-prone and even the WHO test may occasionally have false negatives.

Somebody please, follow this link …, scroll down to #3, and then read on for a few minutes. This is written by a doctor in the Bay Area who decided to follow publicly reported cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19, starting with Santa Clara Health and then getting in touch with 50 pulmonologists/clinics. Not one was equipped to be able to test for a virus or to distinguish between influenza and Covid. His conclusion: The 60 (at that time) cases reported in Santa Clara County did not exist and the County website was lying. 

Someone follow the link. Please. Just this once.

source: pieceofmindful

1 comment:

Chaim said...

The ones who, early on, realized that there was something abjectly abhorrent with the reporting coming out of CDC, WHO, Fauci et. al., were scientists involved in testing (e.g. genome sequencing, RNA-based, etc.), virologists and chemical biologists. IMNSHO, Dr. Judy Mikovits gained credence when she said in an interview back in April, that the tests being used were based on the work of Dr. Kary Mullis, who developed PCR used to identify HIV. He and Michael Smith received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993.
According to Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Mullis was on record for saying that the PCR tests could not be used unless RNA of the individual being tested was first "inserted". Note: an interview of Dr. Mullis & Dr. Rodney Richards (amongst others) that follows via youtube..[courtesy of "mykoolaidtastesfunny"]:

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