15 September 2020

Shocking Revelations About Australia – Overactive Police

And 90 Year ‘prophecy’ on Wearing Masks (video below)

Shocking revelations about Australia. After the fires comes the food shortages and starving people. Remember Stalin’s plan to starve out the Ukraine with millions and millions of dead: "How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine" ( The insanity of erasing what we have always known to be food and substituting “other stuff”. It conjurs up ‘rations in the Shoah’ and “collectivize” (def. organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement, i.e. "collectivized agriculture") 


Australia will run out of homegrown rice by Christmas, which may help to explain why their police are kettling people at farmers markets (which clearly doesn't help social distancing) and becoming more violent in general -- if the state expects food shortages, they must bolster the police presence and acclimate people to increased totalitarianism, particularly around food. They are preparing – are you?


Readers may recall Nouriel Roubini told Bloomberg TV in late August, about a week before the stock market rolled over, that Wall Street remained disconnected from the financial hardships crushing Main Street America. - 

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Respected German author Ernst Jünger predicted the ubiquitousness of face masks to enforce conformity and uniformity in a dystopian future society in a novel called The Worker that was published nearly 90 years ago.- 

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elisheva said...

Ritual Public Shaming

Comparisons of BLM/Dem madness and Mao's China. A UK newspaper compared these BLM gangs to the 1930s brownshirts.

People just don't seem to realise that much of history is a process, not an event that just happens one day out of the blue. In the decade or more leading up to Auschwitz Jews were living their lives, making a living, going to the dentist, making a child's birthday party. Yet, the signs were very much there. Jabotinsky foresaw the Shoah, but very few wanted to listen. So too now. Without knowing exactly what is going to happen and how, "it" is already happening.

Societal, political and economic chaos, as if these were ever a good look for the Jews. Yet still aliya seems to be a word that can't be mentioned in polite jewish society.

elisheva said...

I know that down under Jews love their straalia, but alarm bells should be going off. Jews can,for now, still leave, but refuse to do so cos they won't be allowed back for three months. We are witnessing the deep, deep galut of the mind.

elisheva said...


A special message for the revelation of Moshiach (in Hebrew)

Rav Arush says that Moshiach is here and that we have to beg Hashem all day, dedicate every mitzvah, for him to be revealed. He says that all the Jews in the diaspora must come to Israel now. And he asks for everyone to spread this video.

Ms. H said...

Elisheva - do you specifically have a particular route for Jews to be able to make it over still to E"Y? Aliyah now is harder then ever - some of the paperwork that is necessary is not an option to get a hold of now due to offices shut. And coming over as a tourist is not either an option. Do you really have an ishur process/plan for those that decide enough is enough and head out right now?

Neshama said...

We should stop saying that Mashiach is here, he is always dormant in every generation. HaShem will release him when the time is right.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...