02 September 2020

A Sign From Shamayim?

 What could be a sign from Shamayim about the current condition of Am Yisrael.

A **Kallah under the chuppah faints from heart attack and now lies in a coma in need of a miracle!

This could portray the precarious teetering position of the State of Israel that gives away any portion of the Land promised by HaShem to the inheritor son of “Sarah and Avraham,” under the umbrella of a so called “Abraham’s Three Faiths” Agreement.

Peace by the Arab Nations should be as stated in their Koran, “The land given to the Jewish People by Allah (G–D). The Arab Nations collectively have *9.9% of the western Middle East land, and will only benefit greatly when the 1% of the Nation of Yaakov’s descendants are living and prospering in their Homeland, Eretz Yisrael.

graphic illustrative effect
** The kallah = the Jewish Nation at Har Sinai when their neshomas flew out of their bodies at the ‘sound’ of HaShem giving the Ten Commandments.

Teshuva, returning to the true G-D is encumbent on all peoples on earth, and they are also judged on Hoshana Rabbah. The earth and all thereon is also judged one a year.

There can be no joining in an agreement with a faith that worships a man-god; this is adolatry. G-D hates idolatry. Once they realize their error they can be accepted. 

While the Arab people believe in G-D, their actions are contrary to His Will. Once they give up “murder” they too can be accepted.


elisheva said...

This whole issue of giving credence to other "faiths", interfaith dialogue etc is a huge problem. There is only the Torah which is the truth for for Jews and non-Jews.

An anecdote: a non-Jewish woman I know came to Israel and in her dealings with immigration/interior ministry was asked what her religion was. She answered Judaism. They told her that she was lying. She said, I am not Jewish but I believe that the Torah is the truth. (She did eventually convert, but this was at the start of her journey.)

We have to stop giving ANY kind of credibility or recognition to any faith outside of the Torah, on any kind of platform, including the very language we ourselves use. Even in shiurim, I hear Torah rabbis say "the new testament". Two small words, yet loaded with centuries of replacement theology and persecution. At best it can be called "their book", or the "xn book of lies". The "Judeo-Xn" adjective also has to go. You can't ally truth with lies. The misuse of language is insidious and shapes the discourse and reality itself far more than people realise.

All the gentiles have to renounce their false beliefs and accept the truth of the Torah. It's not enough to just give up certain aspects of their religions.

Yaakov. C said...

We have to as Jews start dojng acts of kindness and respecting each other and bringing back other Jews that are lost to assimilation .

Once we bring back all
Of am Yisroel and live in peace with love and respect the rest will fall into place .

We can learn Torah till we are blue In The face and praise rabbis all we want it means nothing until we all do this becasue Hashem wants this

RivkieS said...

bubby says - I agree with elisheva - beautiful! one more thing...can we stop calling the Torah the bible> also confusing!! its the Torah with no add-ons!

moshe said...

Must agree with both Elisheva and Rivkie! Do Jews understand that according to Jewish law, only Jews can reside in the Land of Israel, and those who adhere to the Seven of Laws of Noach, who also can. In the meantime, the Land has been filling up with goyim and missionaries, and everything that goes against Torah.

elisheva said...

To Yaakov, not sure if your comment is responding to mine. You are of course right that we must do these things, but it is not an either/or situation. The Torah and the mitvot encompass all of life, our behaviour, our words and our thoughts. So we too must endeavour to do likewise. Our words do very much matter. With xnity in particular, we have to be very careful for two reasons: 1. they believe in shituf with Hashem, chalila, and we have to distance ourselves from dvar sheker, and 2. they want to missionise us. And even if you are strong in your yahadut, giving them any kind of opening into the Jewish community may weaken or confuse another Jew who is not. In particular they prey on the weakest members of society.

Moshe, agree, and who is bringing all these missionaries? Mainly rabbis.

a line from gil scott heron: "as the stomach churns".

Neshama said...

Seems my post has gone over heads, and I think we’ve read enough about that other religion!

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