30 September 2020

Australia has gone stark raving mad


Australian police can kidnap people for medical reasons and remove anything “including underwear” to forcefully administer vaccines

Australia’s Public Health Act of 2016 has been updated, and it is being put into action, unleashing medical police state horrors that haven’t been witnessed since the rise of medical experimentation on Jews in Nazi Germany. This Australian law gives sweeping new powers to law enforcement and other “authorized officers” to forcibly restrain, isolate and vaccinate whomever they want. The new powers are so descriptive, they give law enforcement the legal power to “remove anything the person is wearing, including underwear.”

Australian officers can apprehend, detain and restrain adults and children for forced vaccination and removal of clothing

The “authorized officer” can medically kidnap adults or children and force the targeted individuals to undergo medical observation, medical examination, medical treatment or compulsory vaccination. The Australian law allows officers to “use reasonable force” to make sure that human subjects comply with the public health directive. The officers can “apprehend and detain the person to whom the direction applies” and relocate that person for medical experimentation, the forced removal of their clothes and forced vaccination. The law is broken down into three parts, explaining how authorities can one, apprehend, two, detain, and three, restrain human subjects.

Under Part 11 Division 2 of the serious public health incident powers, the authorities can forcibly vaccinate the subject and “remove anything that the person is wearing.” If the subject refuses to remove their clothing, authorities can rip the clothing from their body, including their underwear.

The stripping of human beings of their clothing and their dignity does not end with authorities abusing adults. The act continues, “If the relevant person is a CHILD or an impaired person, it must (the removal of clothing), if practicable, be done in the presence of a responsible person or some other person who can provide the child or impaired person with support and represent his or her interest.”

These heinous powers of rape and abuse and medical kidnap are openly allowed as long as the government of Western Australia can declare a public health state of emergency, as was done by Australia and most other governments in response to covid-19. Australia, like many other governments, will not relinquish these newly delegated powers easily. As long as humans exist, the threat of a viral infection will linger, and governments will capitalize on this fear to abuse anyone they want.

Forced medical experimentation in Australia violates international treaties

The new experimental drugs and vaccines that are being rushed into existence will be forced onto Australians. Australian prime minister Scott Morrison said a coronavirus vaccine will be made “as mandatory as you can possibly make it.” According to these emergency public health orders, anyone who dissents can be rounded up and isolated, their clothing removed, their body subject to medical experimentation and forced injections.

The Nuremberg code, a treaty established in the fallout of Nazi Germany after the International Military Tribunal, is clear about the necessity of informed consent for all medical experimentation on humans. The Nuremberg code is clear that experiments should avoid physical/mental suffering and injury. Vaccinations will irrefutably be classified as risky medical experiments, and when forced onto humans, they cause physical/mental suffering. For one, vaccinations are liability-free products, whereas vaccine manufacturers are held to no standard at all when their products injure people. Two, vaccinations are not tested against a double-blind saline placebo; and three, no studies are conducted comparing the non-vaccinated and the vaccinated in regard to overall health, strength of immune function, infectious disease incidence, and measurable spread of advertised infectious disease.

With this precedent established and with emergency public health orders being pushed into perpetuity, the people of Australia should fight for their rights before they become even more stripped of their human dignity, their bodies violated, their clothing ripped off, their bodies subjected to the newest tracking technologies and vaccine experiments  of the day.

Sources include:


moshe said...

If, c'v, this is really true; then the world has surely gone mad. More frightening is the fact that main stream media is not covering this at all; this is what was happening in nazi germany, yimach shmom v'zichrom, and the NYTimes, 'the paper of record', hid it from the American people. These might be descendants of those nazis because maybe some of them escaped not only to So. America but might have escaped there too. Their democracy seems to be worthless.
We need to put our total Emunah in H' and daven, say Tehilim that the Ribbono Shel Olam sends us Moshiach tzdkeinu immediately.

redemption watch said...

Good grief. This is bizarre! Are they trying to foment a revolution?
Regards, Neshoma, from Redemptionwatch!

Neshama said...

Moshe, unfortunately, this is the Agenda for the whole world. They are doing a good job of hiding their true manipulations, but Australia has gone be zero, and now maybe more people will learn.

Neshama said...

RW this is what should happen, the people must fight this tyranny and abuse of power.

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