16 September 2020

TRUMP To California Official re Calif. Fires – It Will Get Cooler


ADAPT 2030

With the world’s food crises slowly making it impossible for humanity to  “eat” as they have always known *food, it makes perfect sense and is logical that the descendants of Yaakov and Yishmael will dominate the world, especially with food growth. I have always believe that one day Israel would become the food basket of the world, and now it looks very apparent.

*just this week, in Shufersol Jerusalem, I saw packages of “Beyond Meat”. Good grief!


moshe said...

Yes, Neshama; I think you made a good assessment of this deal. I feel the same way as you do from the start. But, we have to remember that we are in the height of Geulah process and H' is controlling all these events which will ultimately lead us to our Geulah Shleimah! This is how it has to be, so He uses our enemies to help fulfill the geulah while they are thinking how it will benefit them at the moment. That's been the way of nations from the beginning of time. Yishmaelites are very good at this. H' works these wonders through natural means but this is the way Israel will grow in being a big world player and becoming richer and, hopefully, we will eventually no longer have Erev Rav within our midst and it will become greatest in Torah which will flow out into the world, and the so-called good friends will become what they really are when our righteous Moshiach appears on the scene and the war begins against us and in a flash we will be in the Messianic era and it will be the end of all evil in the world. Then miracles and blessings overflowing for Am Yisrael and the righteous of the world.

moshe said...

Just noticed the postscript last sentence you wrote about the meat. Oy vey, really think that the 'state' is more globalist than most and completely 'unJewish'. When is Moshiach coming? Please!

At this point in time, this sounds good

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