28 July 2020

White Coat Summit in DC – The Facts Speak, The Truth is Heard

DC American Doctors set up a Summit 
and are calling out the establishment - the pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors and MSM
We don’t need masks and lockdowns
We already have a cure HCQ
Why did pharmacists assn block HCQ
Why did governors block the distribution of HCQ
We are going to see many class action lawsuits – hospitals, doctors etc. are involved
Common Sense and actual Science - Masks don’t work AAPS

Courageous Dr Stella Immanuel – Her initial video was blocked by UT 
but preserved at below link on DRive.

This is a Redirect Video Link and



American doctors are holding a “White Coat Summit” in Washington, D.C. to address “a massive disinformation campaign” by the media about coronavirus.

Watch as Dr. Stella Immanuel tackles the media's narrative about hydroxychloroquine



Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM

Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter discuss the demonization and politicization of Hydroxychloroquine. 
Studies set up to fail, murder investigations, and more!


America’s Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit
American doctors are holding a “White Coat Summit” on Capitol Hill TODAY and tomorrow (July 27-28) to address what they call “a massive disinformation campaign” surrounding the Chinese coronavirus to which “American life has fallen casualty.” “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads the event’s information page.”

You really need to watch Dr Stella Immanuel, a West African born and trained Doctor, who now practices in Houston. She has had 100% success on over 350 patients with HCQ + AZT + Zinc. See her impassioned speech during the summit press conference held on the SCOTUS front steps (Watch the video from 5 min to 11 min): dispel disinformation campaign.

This group is doing an excellent job presenting the science and studies behind HCQ and (more importantly) sharing their frontline success treating COVID-19. A lot of this information will not be new to the PP Tribe, but it is awesome to see this many Doctors organizing together in a summit to share this message in incontrovertible form in Washington, DC. It is so inspiring to see DOCTORS standing up for their patients. They are calling us to action. I will be phoning my Governor, both Senators, my Congressman and local hospital directors to tell them I want my doctors to be able to prescribe HCQ now.

You can get more information from their website at americasfrontlinedoctors

LIVE from the steps of the US Supreme Court. America’s Frontline Doctors - Physicians from around the country address the American people about Covid-19 and the importance of reopening schools and our society. Schedule at https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors…


White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine

View the PDF

This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources. It explains how Americans have come to be in the grip of fear. All the myths and all the misconceptions about a safe, generic drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years, given to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly and the immune-compromised for years and decades without complication, are finally put in the trash heap where they belong. You will have the indisputable proof that you have been massively lied to, often very intentionally. At first you will first be heartbroken. And then you will be furious. Good. Because then you will demand change.

Compendium of HCQ Studies

View the PDF

The safety of HCQ is irrefutable. The evidence supporting HCQ efficacy against Covid-19 is also overwhelming. All negative HCQ studies have used either: too much, used it alone (it needs Zinc), or used it late (it should be early.) The treatment dose is 200 mg HCQ twice a day for five days + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily. The prophylactic dose is 400 mg HCQ weekly + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily.

(There are studies right now to see if HCQ 200 mg. weekly is sufficient.) This is very low dose. (The usual dose of HCQ in Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis is 400 mg. daily for years.) There are telemedicine physicians who are aware of the facts and if you are concerned about this, please see one. It is also over the counter in many places in the world including Indonesia and most of South America.


HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Thank you, Neshama...I copied down the papers on this post. Very important to read them (if I can concentrate...). ;-)

drbsd said...

They censored 🤬 🤬 your links.

Neshama said...

The link under the first video should work

Neshama said...

All of social media, google et al have SCRUBBED ANYTHING RELATING TO HCQ AS A TREATMENT because “they” don’t want to lose $$$$$$$$$ on “their” highly suspect and dangerous VACCINES.

moshe said...

of course, what's more important, human life or money/power? All morality and decency is gone!

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