16 July 2020

Laura Ingraham Brings Scientific Data on Masks HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

"We must move beyond the hyperbole and focus on what the latest science tells us"



Neshama said...

LTC here’s your recent data. You’re a fool and part of the problem.

LTC said...

You are so freaking stupid. I've pulled and read all of those studies. I doubt you did - either because you can't read or because you wouldn't understand them. Or maybe both. But I'm clearly getting under your skin..HA.

That is not what those articles are saying and not what they are studying or comparing. Masks work - based on all the RECENT data. Cloth is not as effective as medical and the mask primarily protects the others, not the person wearing the mask. EVERY world medical and public health body in 2020 advocates mask based on the LATEST data. It doesn't prevent. It reduces. The science is there.

Of course if you get your science from Laura Ingraham....well then God help you and the rest of civilization. When she had breast cancer 15 years ago she went to real doctors.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what a retrovirus is...I know you've had time to google it and cut and paste an answer. Trust me. You don't want to compare your qualifications and CV with mine. You have no idea who you're communicating idea, lady. This is entertainment for me...

elisheva said...

An excellent short video from Rav Zamir Cohen regarding the police violence towards haredim.

בלעדי!! שוטרים נגד חרדים - הרב זמיר כהן מגיב

Neshama said...

LTC, I also find you entertaining. You really make me laugh. This whole CV stuff is evil and I’m not wrong.
Whoever you are, you are so deep into the program that you can’t even imagine how you are being used.
I hope you are prepared for a big awakening one day in the near future.
It won’t be funny.

Neshama said...

Listen, “real doctors” only know one way to deal with “C” and that’s with a poison that usually kills, it destroys more than it could ever cure.
Of course, you may hit the roof over that remark. Just calm down. Great minds can disagree.

moshe said...

Neshama: I think he is a doctor and their mindset is deep into what they think they know from science. May H' protect every Yehudi, but H' is the only and true Rofeh. 'Ani H' Rofecha'. Emunah and Trust is still the best bet in the world.
Aside from what's best - the truth is that this was orchestrated from the start on a global level. Everyone who thinks for himself has figured that out by now.

Neshama said...

Moshe, he says he’s a doctor, but I think he’s doing residency, and he sounds very young. Doctors sound older and more experienced, they don’t have to “prove” they know everything, they just think they are the “all knowing”.

He’s been commenting nastily for some time now and I haven’t allowed his comments, but since he seems so young and misguided I allowed this one. Someone has to wake him up.

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