09 July 2020

Rabbi Mizrachi — the Mystery Called Coronavirus

B”H Rabbi Mizrachi is back, and it is great to hear his analysis of our condition as it appears now


elisheva said...

With all due respect to Rav Mizrahi, Rav Kanievsky shlita, did call for ALL Jews to come to Israel urgently. I heard this in a class in French by Rav Ron Chaya. I was challenged about this on another blog, saying that I should produce evidence, so I wrote to Rav Chaya asking if there was a letter. He said there isn't, but that he knew first hand that this is what the Rav Chaim said. Anyone who wishes to verify this for themselves can ask Rav Chaya, on youtube, showing his whatsapp, or on his site I'm sure you can write in Hebrew or English if you don't know French. Also rabbanim on Arutz 2000 said the same thing in the name of Rav Chaim.

On top of this, I don't understand the attitude that the only people who should come to Israel are those whose lives are in a mess anyway, so what have they got to lose. It pains me to hear this. Rav Touitou also speaks about this. For whatever reason one is in the diaspora, one should be yearning to come to Israel. Rav Touitou brought this in a shiur from Chessed l'Avraham. Also that outside of EY a Jew only has a nefesh and not a neshama. And that the three times in a person's life they are forgiven all their sins is on conversion, marriage and aliya.

Also the level of Torah study in EY is much higher than in chul. How can coming to Israel be a spiritual danger? There are solutions, such as community aliya, the "pioneers" can come as a garin, to pave the way, set up their own schools if necessary, or provide a parallel support system to children being integrated in Israeli schools. On the other hand, I know a family, who on the face of it should have had the hardest time getting their son accepted to a good haredi school, new immigrants, can't speak Hebrew, the mother is a convert, and the bli ayin hara, child is very obviously not ethnically Jewish, yet he was accepted to one of the top talmudei torah, and is B"D thriving. Also American etc new immigrants should move to English speaking communities, there is research to show that they have a much more successful aliya, or set up their own new communities. As for asking rabbis in chul on the question of aliya, how many advise their congregants to leave? Yet rabbis in Israel are urging them to come: Rav Kanievsky, Rav Anava, Rav Brody, Rav Chaya, Rav Touitou and more.

Neshama said...

Re the “in a mess” query. I don’t think it is just those who are not attached and in need of purpose. There are some families that are not so “stuck” into the American gashmiut” that it wouldn’t make a difference; however, their lives would be greatly improved by being in Eretz Yisrael.
You see, the more one is “hooked” on the American lifestyle the harder it is to change domiciles, whether rich or poor. It’s a mindset, a psychological attachment.

Neshama said...

Rabbi Mizrachi is being very practical vs the more emotional Rav Kanievsky.
Either way, we believe that if a person is worthy perhaps Mashiach will save him/her, but we do not want to base our life on a maybe.
We can see now that airplanes are not flying Olim to ISRAEL. Also Israel has stated that they do not think they can absorb 85000 Olim into Israel under the present economy.
In an emergency, you bring them in and then deal with it. Surely HaShem will make it work out, as He did in the 40 years in the desert!
If one waits to be rescued when s/he could have fled on their own, there is no guarantee of the outcome.
Making decisions when one feels no danger vs when there is palpable danger at your door is very very very different.

Neshama said...

The spiritual danger is when the choices one makes do not turn out as one desires, and one could “settle” for a lesser situation.
How would one deal with being suddenly without income, like many Israelis now because of the CV.
That is a real test of one’s Emunah and Bitachon.
When Rabbi Teller first came to Israel he had no parnasah, so what did he do?
He became a street sweeper!
How many Spoiled Americans would do that?
As it is the Americans that came with $$$$$, in their high level of living, increased the value of their area, and drove home buying prices up up up. Not good for the rest of us.
Personally, I prefer to be around the more sniyus humble Religious Israelis. Those that grew up “making ends meet”.

Yaakov. C said...

The Rebbe said decades ago this is the generation of
Mashiach he’s way ahead of everyone by a country mile .

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