26 July 2020

Signs of Tyranny, Control vs. G–D Given Rights to Life

What Mandatory Vaccination, 
and the 5G Rollout, Have in Common
Our country, and world, face unprecedented challenges when it comes to health freedom; one in the form of mandatory medicine and another in the form of universal wireless radiation exposure, involving increasingly complex and synergistically toxic electromagnetic frequencies. GreenMedInfo

Mandatory Masks
If your mask is hurting you, do you still feel compelled to wear it? In many areas, people no longer have a true choice, as mask-wearing has become mandatory. A measure intended to keep communities safe is causing extreme division, infringing on individual’s constitutional rights and putting them at risk. Your state and local officials need to hear from you.

Though CDC’s policy guidance encourages the use of face masks, there is substantial evidence showing that masks are harmful and a lack of evidence showing they are effective in preventing the spread of coronavirus. Studies show that wearing a face covering reduces blood and tissue oxygenation — which can be deadly — while increasing carbon dioxide levels. Mask-wearing can also increase the risk of infection and the spread of viral illness, hinder detoxification that occurs via exhalation, impair the immune system and cause many other ailments, both physical and emotional. Moreover, some masks have been found to contain known carcinogens, which put people at risk from inhaling toxic chemicals and having them come into contact with their skin.

Lawsuits are now being filed throughout the country to challenge mandatory masks. Despite evidence of harm and questionable evidence of benefit, fall 2020 school guidelines across the country are calling for mandatory masks. Public school systems (e.g., San Diego, California) are concerned that mask requirements in the classroom will spark even more legal battles.

It’s unethical and unconstitutional to force healthy citizens to abide by measures that can result in physical and emotional harm and that impinge on their ability to move freely throughout society without discrimination. For those with deeply held religious beliefs, mask mandates violate their ability to abide by natural law and follow their convictions to walk in faith, not fear.

The decision to wear a mask is a highly personal one and should not be universally mandated; measures that are meant to protect the community as a whole are ineffective if they hurt individuals in that community. Please send your state and local officials a pre-drafted email and tweet now and urge them to make sure that mask-wearing is voluntary, not mandatory.
Stand for Health Freedom (sponsored by


As mask mandates on children sweep the nation, HighWire host Del Bigtree’s 11-year-old son, Ever, joins him on stage to test his levels of carbon dioxide inside a mask, face shield, and cloth bandana. The results from the OSHA approved testing device should shock any parent. This video can be viewed here

Mandatory vaccines are medical dominance – exist in violation of the Geneva Convention's ban on human medical experiments.

No government has any right to invade your body and force you to be injected with a potentially injurious or even deadly substance, and given that today’s coronavirus vaccines are skipping most of the normal protocols of safety and testing, the coming forced vaccinations with the coronavirus vaccine are mandatory medical experiments being conducted in violation of the Geneva Convention which forbids such actions on a global scale.

Rule 92. Mutilation and Medical, Scientific or Biological Experiments: Rule 92

“Biological experiments” are prohibited by the First and Second Geneva Conventions, while the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions prohibit “medical or scientific experiments” not justified by the medical treatment of the person concerned. Conducting “biological experiments” on persons protected under the Geneva Conventions is a grave breach and a war crime under the Statutes of the International Criminal Court and of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Additional Protocol I prohibits “medical or scientific experiments”. In the Brandt (The Medical Trial) case in 1947, the US Military Tribunal at Nuremberg convicted 16 persons of carrying out medical experiments on prisoners of war and civilians. naturalnews

[BTW: After WWII the ‘pharmaceutical' giant IGFarben was broken into smaller entities, one of which became BAYER (good grief,, as in Bayer Aspirin that almost everyone uses). The C-vaccine is said to be further involved in population control.]

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1 comment:

moshe said...

Everything connected to what is going on today, whether in Israel, the U.S and everywhere else in the universe are diabolical plans for destruction. What is most disturbing is that so many rabbis and chashuva ones too go along with much of the propaganda. Is it the fear that they don't want to say anything, so even when it's all lies, it suddenly becomes kosher? Maybe H' is helping us, indirectly, if they won't allow school; otherwise, they would push their churban of a curriculum on yeshivot, etc.

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