05 July 2020


Experts warn: 500 COVID-19 deaths in August
Ben Gurion University team warns of catastrophic death toll if spread of coronavirus is not brought under control in the coming weeks. arutzsheva 
Sheba Infectious Disease Unit head Prof. Rahav and Former Health Min. Director Prof. Lass clash over coronavirus.arutzsheva
Dr Zelenko calls hydroxychloroquine opposers 'guilty of mass murder’arutzsheva

Why are health officials NOT recommending HCQ on an out-patient basis in order to reduce the number of active cases and raise the recovery rate? 
Are they afraid of (or complicit with) the Medical Maphia? 
Why only use HCQ in the hospital setting?

The rise in coronavirus cases is due to = a rise in testing.
Not everyone becomes ill.
Not everyone needs hospitalization.
Reduce intubation, respirators, ventilators, and deaths
Why not treat the suffering with a proven sure cure?

This is a GIFT OF G–D

(diagram that shows how it works)

These are the Nations using the Zelenko protocol:
Hondurous, Brazil (drastic drop-off, see chart), Turkey, Iran, 
A city in Ukraine (knieper?), Italy, Israel (hosp. setting only)

Not to do so is:
Death by Politics and Stupidity (and Greed)
Mass Genocide of Thousands of People

What is standing in the way:
1 Politics - most important election of - our lifetime (sacrifice humanity to get Trump)
2 Financial conflicts - 3000 per dose vs 2 plus USD
3. Arrogance - of the elite, stifling information, against history, fraud
4 Fear - 

What will history say:
Whoever got in the way of access to cure, access to treatment for a cure are 
Crimes against humanity, and 
Guilty of Mass Murder

Brazil plateau after HCQ treatment

Preliminary Abstract


moshe said...

Disgraceful what is allowed to be happening now. No one said anything at the time of the Holocaust and no one in powerful positions are saying anything now. The use of the Hydroxy cocktail is the answer to this whole epoidemic. It must be allowed to be used by all doctors and not the hospitals because it needs to be taken within the first five days of symptoms and then the patients are completely healed. Does depopulation come to mind?
The problem is the 'media' that acts as a propaganda weapon so the killing can go on.

Batya said...

rather insane
If that's the case then the best barometer is the amount of seriously ill patients, but since many are carriers masks are important to protect the vulnerable.

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