13 July 2020

יום הולדת לאליה בן ה – 11 This must be something very special

יום הולדת לאליה בן ה-11

There are very nice Israeli policemen out there
We must acknowledge the goodness 


elisheva said...

Very nice and very good propaganda video. But the issue is the harassment of the haredi public, and this boy does not appear to be haredi. I suggest that you follow kikar to see the daily harassment of the hareidi public. The latest, a young haredi boy was detained and scared out of his wits for nothing, a haredi man was punched in the face for asking a policeman why he was not wearing a mask. There are many, many more examples.

elisheva said...

There is growing rage in the haredi public about what is happening.

I didn't see thisת but in this video, they are talking about an elderly haredi woman who was dragged in the street, from the context I understood that it was by a policeman.

Neshama said...

Eli Sheva: Thank you so much for this link. Keep them coming as I don’t understand most of the ivrit.

Could this be referring to the Haredi lady at the light rail that they dragged off of where she was sitting over her nose exposed from her mask.
THE REASON WHY PEOPLE UNCOVER THEIR NOSES IS BECAUSE THEY CANNOT BREATHE? MASKS ARE NOT NEEDED. In fact they distress the immune system. Just like LOCKDOWNS create distress and depression among people, and can contribute to suicide!!

Neshama said...

Elisheva, maybe, but there are good Israelis who don’t go for this police brutality. We must recognize them and appreciate their support.

Neshama said...

elisheva, can you tell me if this is important for me to post? Or is it more of what the “health ministry” is fabricating?

elisheva said...

Re your q, I am assuming it's not about the same lady, because in the radio show, no video, they emphasised the fact that she was elderly and was dragged. From the light railway video neither of these seem to apply, also, she may have been dragged by men, as they said shotrim, not shotrot.

Every Jew in Israel is a tsadik, and the video itself is heartwarming, but in the context of the apparently systematic, violent targetting of the haredi public, it feels to me like a propaganda video. I don't what to spell out exactly what it reminds me of. The western world, and Israel, too is in a culture war (see skynews australia, they give really good commentary), just that in Israel it is slightly different.
from Hidabroot, "Ramat Gan municipality against Shema Israel". The Irya put up a "pride" flag outside a kosher wine shop, so the shop owner put up a placard on his property of "shema yisrael ...echad". The municipality ordered him to take it down, or they will do so by force. And on top of that every day that the shop owner is in "violation", he is being fined thousands of shekels. On the positive side, the owner said that he is receiving a lot of support from ostensibly non-religious Israelis, offering to pay the fine, telling him not to take down his sign, and all over Ramat Gan private citizens are also putting up their own shema yisrael signs.

Re the link you posted, the rav asks why the lockdowns are focused on Haredi areas, when the haredim are following all the rules, he says that the police wait for someone to come out of a building when they're just about to put a mask on, and pounce on him, whilst in non-religious areas plenty of people are out and about. Beyond that he talks mainly about the spiritual side of why this is happening, the targetting of the haredi public and the three weeks.

Police officer has been suspended for shoving a haredi man to the ground.

Re not being able to understand the Hebrew, on the kikar site, generally if there is anything shocking, it will be in the first few items, and you can watch the video which usually speaks for itself. Ditto Hidabroot. Bli neder, if I come across anything else, will post here. Be"D hopefully there won't be anything else.

elisheva said...

Btw, if a video says "תיעוד" usually in yellow, it means documentation, and is worth watching.

For example,

Undercover police detain a young haredi boy, claiming they suspected him of trying to steal a bike, nu be'emet, 1. what about the many burglaries that are never investigated, and 2. he's got the keys to the bike in his hands, 3. rates of criminality are the lowest in religious towns and yishuvim, so the probability of a young haredi boy stealing is next to zero (I wonder how much of a financial drain criminality is on society as a whole, and who are the vast majority of the criminals... yet this is never talked about.). It's police harassment, pure and simple. I guess their expensive training and salaries were worth it, two big blokes bullying a little boy. A religious soldier passing by tries to help him, and the police make him go away. The boy is crying, understandably so in the current climate.

elisheva said...

Sadly these incidents are coming at us thick and fast, and these are only the ones that are filmed. Seeing that many haredim don't have phones with cameras, it makes you wonder how many more of these cases there are.

Another truly shocking video.

It also makes me wonder what kind of brainwashing, ahem, training the police go through. This reminds me of Gush Katif. The army used psychologists to train the soldiers to turn off their moral compass.

elisheva said...

I am happy to cooperate with you, but it is not clear to me what your comments policy is, and I can't be bothered writing comments if you won't allow them. Maybe it is only a technical issue, who knows? I spent time watching and summarising the video of the link that you requested, and making and also of the Hidabroot video, which is most pertinent regarding the culture/religious war taking place, and you apparently didn't allow it.

LTC said...

Masks "distress the immune system?" Details please!

Just wondering, because as a surgeon I've spent most of my days for the past thirty years wearing a mask, along with hundreds of thousands of OR nurses, techs, anesthesiologists, etc.

Please show me the data that show a higher rate of immune dysfunction amongst all of us.

You can't. Wanna know why? Because you're an idiot.

Neshama said...

Elisheva I posted all your comments.
First of all, they are all coming into my junk folder. I went thru them all anD posted them.

Neshama said...


Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Note: A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.
*1 nm = 0.001 micron; 1000 nm = 1 micron; Micrometer (μm) is the preferred name for micron (an older term)
1 meter is = 1,000,000,000 nm or 1,000,000 microns

Read Filter Efficiency and Fit
Read *A study of 4 patients in South Korea
Final Thoughts

Surgical masks – loose fitting. They are designed to protect the patient from the doctors’ respiratory droplets. The wearer is not protected from others airborne particles
People do not wear masks properly. Most people have the mask under the nose. The wearer does not have glasses on and the eyes are a portal of entry.
The designer masks and scarves offer minimal protection – they give a false sense of security to both the wearer and those around the wearer.
**Not to mention they add a perverse lightheartedness to the situation.
If you are walking alone, no mask – avoid folks – that is common sense.
Remember – children under 2 should not wear masks – accidental suffocation and difficulty breathing in some
If wearing a mask makes people go out and get Vitamin D – go for it. In the 1918 flu pandemic people who went outside did better. Early reports are showing people with COVID-19 with low Vitamin D do worse than those with normal levels. Perhaps that is why shut-ins do so poorly.
If you are sick, stay home!

Additional Resource: Healthy People Wearing Masks, Should They or Shouldn’t They? This ER nurse with over two decades of experience took a deep dive into the science to find out:

Neshama said...

Wow, just checked junk again and two of your long replies came in.
So, now, all your comments are there.
Please verify.

Neshama said...

Just a thought, aren’t licenses required for bike ownership?
It would have been nice to ask to see his owners license.

Elisheva, I appreciate your taking so much time to comment and ans my ques.
All efforts of goodness are noticed in Shamayim, and none go unrewarded.

moshe said...

Who are these pere adam police? From whom do they stem? Definitely not Jews. The chutzpah and disgrace before G-D and man, that in Israel (the so-called Jewish state) a store owner of kosher wines should be fined, harrassed, etc. for not allowing lichluch signs, flags, etc. on his property. How sick has the state and the world become? But the holy Shema Yisrael is not allowed! Really unbelievable.
Thankfully, even secular Jews are waking up because of the dictatorial and tyrannical behavior of these police, etc. and siding with G-D fearing Jews; maybe it will awaken more and this way, there will be an end to the Erev Rav!

Neshama said...


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