20 July 2020

Near Earth Object Appoaching in Early September – NIBIRU?? – KOCHAV YAAKOV?? – MASHIACH

222 Twin Debris Tail 231134421 
Be Ready prepare for impact 

This is a video from Jeff P who has been following “Planet X” or whatever it is called for many years and in this video he explains how it is forecasted to leave our orbital atmosphere bringing behind it TWO DEBRIS TAILS

It is also estimated that “another round of Coronavirus will have us locked down" at that time. (estimated in early September, and Jeff P advises to prepare food etc. for 2-3 weeks)

This was covered extensively in posts and a video on this 'search-link’ page on the ShiratDevorah blog:
  • Sources from the Torah and the Zohar
  • This Star was seen in the war of Devorah and Sisera and will also be seen at the End of Days
  • It is not going to destroy the world
  • Isaiah prophecies that those who try to escape by going into bunkers will just fall into another trap - they cannot run from Hashem
  • Rainbows, climate change, earthquakes, volcanoes, extreme weather
  • How Gog u Magog will play out
  • The government of Israel will stop functioning at the same time that Moshiach will be revealed*
  • The war against Moshiach ben David
  • What kind of person Moshiach will be
  • Nibiru is just a messenger of Hashem, we must do teshuvah [repent] - the effects of Nibiru are in our hands
  • Moshiach is definitely coming soon and He will take the world into the new spiritual phase


(post written 19/7/20 8:30pm)

*The way things look in Israel (as opposed to Eretz Yisrael) it could be on its way to disintegration


Neshama said...

Anyone thinking this is fantasy, this is the hottest topic on the internet and suspicious data is being disclosed that relates to this anticipated event; which happens to not be the first object to hit earth recently. The giant dust cloud that traveled from Africa across the atlantic and covered half of America was one, plus there was another ‘landing’ in Russia.

This one happens to be the exist of our atmosphere, drawing with it gigantic debris fields (2 tails). Of course when September comes we will know for sure.

Neshama said...

I propose that the approach of the medical establishment of waiting until someone exhibits symptoms is not the best. I’ve read that as soon as someone (not everyone) starts coughing and has trouble breathing is when they are hospitalised. This is TOO LATE. Nowhere does any article etc. explain how patients are being treated, with what medicines. Mostly we read that those intubated and on respirators/ventilators usually means they are on their way out of this world. I say that anyone testing TRUELY positive, and not the RT-PCR which is NOT created to officially be used for testing, should be immediately given the several (interim) medicinal treatments used for other diseases that have been shown to reduce and/or stop the virus BEFORE it travels DOWN to the lower respiratory tract.

The PR hype about remdesivir (Fauci’s baby) lessening hosp. stay and/or preventing aspiration (in some not all) is not sufficient. Victims of this virus should be treated so they DO NOT HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSP. in the first place. There is so much to investigate about all the myriad aspects of I imagine that only in hindsight, after a couple years will anyone know what is really flying.


Neshama said...

Correction in the first comment: "the exist of” in final sentence, should be “exiting"

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