19 July 2020

B”H Rabbi Mizrachi Interview About Gog UMagog (Ivrit)

האם אנחנו בתחילת מלחמת גוג ומגוג? הרב יוסף מזרחי עונה!

If anyone could bring Mashiach or be a candidate for MBY, I would nominate Rabbi Mizrachi.
Finally he is on the radio speaking to millions (hopefully) of Israelis. The time is now to wake them up to what Hashem wants from those who are not yet Shomer Shabbat, kosher at home and outside, and fully observant.

What is a Minute of Life Worth?
כמה שווה דקה של חיים


Yaakov. C said...

Where is the beard even Yosef In Egypt had one .

Yaakov. C said...

Gog and Magog is after Mashiach comes

Yaakov. C said...

All jews will be redeemed in the final redemption not like in Egypt when 80% died this one all willl be redeemed contrary to what rabbi Mizrachi says the Torah of Moshe that says hashem
Will gather all Jews from the four corners will come true which means all jews it doesn’t say 20% or 30% or 40%. Etc.

It’s very important all jews start eating kosher , Shabbat,holidays etc.

What will being Mashiach faster is random acts of loving kindness towards each other and tzedaka .

Neshama said...

It seems you believe as strongly as Rabbi Mizrachi does!
So what pesukim do you rely on?
In the END it will be HKB”H Who will decide.
Those who scorn and are against G–D I doubt will make past the finish line.
What have you to say to that?
Mashiach will decide WHO is a JEW, not some reform or otherwise sending Rabbi.

Neshama said...

How do you know Yosef had a beard?
Egyptians seemed to have been clean shaven due to lice and other matters.
What is your source?

Yaakov. C said...

בִּדְבָרִים לְדַבֵּר קָשׁוֹת:
ויתנכר אליהם HE MADE HIMSELF STRANGE UNTO THEM — He made himself like a נכרי a stranger to them in his conversation, speaking harshly (Genesis Rabbah 91:7).

ויכר יוסף וגו'. לְפִי שֶׁהִנִּיחָם חֲתוּמֵי זָקָן:
'ויכר יוסף וגו AND JOSEPH RECOGNISED HIS BRETHREN etc. — because, when he left them they were full-bearded (Yevamot 88a).

והם לא הכרהו. שֶׁיָּצָא מֵאֶצְלָם בְּלֹא חֲתִימַת זָקָן, וְעַכְשָׁו בָּא בַחֲתִימַת זָקָן (כתובות כ"ז):
והם לא הכירהו BUT THEY RECOGNISED HIM NOT — because when he left them he had no beard whereas now he had grown a beard.

Neshama said...

Thank you Yaakov, I’ve often wondered how they knew.
I appreciate your taking the time to reply to me.

Yaakov. C said...

No worries .


Yaakov. C said...

All the other brothers were sheppards and Yosef was the cosmopolitan one but kept the Torah to the tee he’s the only called Yosef hazadik they couldn’t grasp how someone can be religious in an environment like Egypt with that much power And never give in ?

That’s what they couldn’t recognize and his beard .

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