12 July 2020

American Revolution Part II – Whirlwind Attack From Within

How do we describe the whirlwind attack on America from within today?

Is it the beginning of a revolution?

It is clearly a grab for control of the conversation in ways which American politics has never witnessed, It is way outside the traditional democratic debate culture. In this sense it is revolutionary. The dismissal of American history and culture is indeed revolutionary stuff.

The current assault is beyond particular policy or replacing politicians. It does not resemble any political philosophy that has ever been part of the American political debate.

As is the case in all revolutions, they are a relatively small group with very focused energy willing to push it forward at any price. As usual, the masses furtively watch for signs of success and only then consider joining the movement; as long as they are promised the right things like free stuff and quick, easy solutions...If the revolutionaries are not challenged by an equally self-confident and determined group; if the energy comes from one side only, then the revolution wins. Game over.

Those whose vision it is to humiliate and erase America as we have known it ( without offering a serious alternative) have not as yet been challenged with equal vigor by "the other side".They own the stage.

As a rule, professional politicians lack any real beliefs but pay close attention to those who actually do.

They sniff the wind to catch the direction of current popularity and then ride the current to continued political relevance; and to a politician, nothing is more important than this.

In a few months, we may witness an America that will erase itself. As in all revolutions, the most determined political entity overwhelms a tired and disoriented establishment. That establishment eventually joins the revolution because that is where the power is. Behold the Democrat party as they dare not challenge the popular radical Left. This has now given some Republicans pause as well.

What kind of a world will it be while America dismantles itself?

 Shalom Pollack Tours

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