28 July 2020


Dr. Zeev Zelenko, successfully underwent surgery on Monday to remove a rare tumor that was discovered in his body • In a video he published from the hospital, he thanked those who prayed for him, and ended with a joke about the drugs he receives

Video Link at Kikar: Dr Zelenko from hospital bed

Dr. Zeev (Vladimir) Zelenko, a Chabad follower who suggested a cure for the corona virus, has recently undergone surgery to remove a rare tumor that was discovered in his body. On Monday, the surgery was completed successfully.

In a video he posted from his sickbed in the last day, he says that it is still difficult for him to speak, and praised his doctors for the fact that by the grace of God, they did a good job and apparently managed to completely remove the tumor.

Later in the video he warmly thanked all those who prayed for his complete healing, adding that despite the many pains he had, "thank God for the drugs," he continued in a humorous tone.

Dr. Zelenko, a family doctor who was the doctor of Kiryat Yoel, became a well-known personality after offering a mix of existing drugs to fight the corona virus.

Among other things, he sent a letter to US President Donald Trump, who was enthusiastic about the idea and even mentioned it at a press conference he held - but the health organization came out against the drug and claimed it was not helpful.

In a video he posted in the last day, he thanks those who prayed for him, and his friends and family ask the public to continue to pray for Zeev Ben Leah, for complete healing among the rest of Israel's patients.


moshe said...

B'H, May the good doctor, Dr. Z'ev Zelenko ben Leah speedily recover with a Refuah Shleimah! He brought the light to the world against the evil lies and was demonized and for his courage, we see now that many good doctors are now uniting, B'H, to fight against this evil. Believe that Dr. Zelenko is the hero for bringing this to the attention of the President at the start of this pandemic, and had to endure powerful forces villifying him. Hashem will bless him and all good peoples are also blessing him. Best wishes for a complete recovery!

drbsd said...

BH Hero

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