14 July 2020

Rabbi Mizrachi – Forecast For the Coming Months

A Forecast For The Upcoming Months


Yaakov. C said...

He can’t forecast the weather come on he’s a 4th string rabbi .

elisheva said...

Neshama, why won't you allow a comment that says that Rav Kanievsky did call for ALL Jews to make aliya immediately?

Neshama said...

I posted them all. I’ll take another look in the junk folder.
I post everything unless they are nasty, like LTC

Neshama said...

Elisheva, two of your comments under anonymous said
This message has not been downloaded from the server.

Maybe this is also the problem?
Otherwise I did post all others.

Neshama said...

LTC, now I got you.
The AAMS did an extensive review of masks. Link here
Read especially the summation at the end
Your use of N95 masks and PPE is to protect you from the MANY patients you come in contact with. And to keep your spittle from reaching others.

Yaakov. C said...

Rabbi Mizrachi and Rabbi Reuven fail to recognize hashem ia sending. Mashiach to redeem all jews from the four corners of the earth as it says in the Torah .the majority of jews in galut wont do aliya they don’t care or know why too too assimilated and yes Chabad has tried the best the oast century align with Aish and other groups but many are still unaware or just dont care but it doesn’t mean they won’t. Get all redeemed . And the final Geulah is for Hashems glory not rabbi Mizrachi Le rabbi Reuven Glory and them hoping they can say we told you so because they will both be proven wrong as they have been since day one

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