21 July 2020

Biometric Tracking on Your Phone

a conglomeration of things to be aware of

About Your Smart Phones – They Really Are That Smart

Listen to this audio interview from 1:46:29 until 2:04:02. and ***IMMINENT CONFLICT***
The rest is not important.

LiFi vs WiFi

We know that Li-Fi is the short form of Light Fidelity and Wi-Fi is the short form of Wireless Fidelity. LiFi uses light for data transmission while WiFi uses electro-magnetic waves at radio frequencies for data transmission. ... LiFi covers distance of about 10 meters while WiFi covers about 30 meters.


SPACE FORCE ….. STARLINK ….. BLACKSKY = Constellations

AEHF = Advanced Extremely High Frequency [affects the *SMR brain waves]

Synthetic Telepathy

Project Blue Beam = Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory about a supposed project whose purpose is to create an artificial Second Coming, in order to control people. As per the alleged theory, the new world order’s purpose is: To abolish all Christian and traditional religions in order to replace them with a one-world religion based on the cult of man; and To abolish all national identities and national pride in order to establish a world identity and a world pride; and To abolish the family as known today in order to replace them with individuals all working for the glory of the new one-world government.


* The sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) is a brain wave. It is an oscillatory idle rhythm of synchronized electric brain activity. It appears in spindles in recordings of EEG, MEG, and ECoG over the sensorimotor cortex. For most individuals, the frequency of the SMR is in the range of 13 to 15 Hz.

Neurofeedback training can be used to gain control over the SMR activity. Neurofeedback practitioners believe that this feedback enables the subject to learn the regulation of their own SMR. People with learning difficulties, ADHD, epilepsy, and autism may benefit from an increase in SMR activity via neurofeedback. Furthermore, in the sport domain, SMR neurofeedback training has been found to be useful to enhance the golf putting performance. In the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), the deliberate modification of the SMR amplitude during motor imagery can be used to control external applications


elisheva said...

I recommend making a post of this video:

America’s EXURBS are PREPARING for CIVIL WAR and Here’s What it Could Look Like!!!

I'm mixing in some more facts and figures with his: in the US there are 33,000 gangs comprising about 1.4 milion people, record spikes in gun sales, record spikes in antisemitism, more fuel for the antisemitism beast is on its way with an impending high profile trial, I don't even want to spell it out, possibility of the imposition of a military regime to restore order and with it some form of national service.

"Next plane out" are the words that come to mind.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, did you follow what was in this post. Must listen to the segment that I indicated. It’s about all the “smart phones” that good Jews should get rid of and resort to the old fashioned untrackable versions.
Thanks for the link, shall get to it IY”H sometime today.

Neshama said...

E: Who is this guy in the video you recommended? Where did you find him? What are his credentials?
Yes, they are buying guns and it could come to this.
I advised my family-friends that their husbands should buy a gun to protect them in case of intrusion which is fully covered by law and the constitution. Very important.
However, the more vulnerable and threatened areas are any place the Jews have a community, in the cities or burbs. These evil ones are anti-semitic and infiltrated by the Muslim Bros. and funded by Soros (funny, sounds like tzsuros - troubles).

Reb Neuberger Special Message – We Are All Hostages

  WE ARE ALL HOSTAGES A  choshuve  person asked me why I have not written about the hostage release. “This should be a time of elation, a ti...