23 July 2020

R’ Mizrachi – Confusion, Fear and Uncertainty

This was very good
Gives us scenarios of our present situation – to learn from
He tells us a few new things about Rabbi Akiva

And something amazing that relates to technological developments of today.
When Yehoshua sent the ‘spies’ to Rahav, she explained how everyone was shaking from fear because everyone know what your G–d did for you, they saw everything the Jews did to their enemies. What did they see?
It says they saw it all IN THE SKY ABOVE THEM.
There have been visions spotted in the sky, like clouds shaped in various ways, like ‘cities’, like faces, hands and many other visions.
TODAY there is something called “surround sound” and couple that with the ability (of some nations) to create visions in the sky.
AND what about Har Sinai?

Some cloud formations:


Ms. H said...

Neshama - and all of the blog readers - you may think I'm crazy - and that's ok - but yesterday - here in Lakewood, NJ, I was walking and happened to look up in the sky and I did see a cloud formation - thought it was strange - looked a couple of times to make sure I'm not losing it - the picture I saw was a Shofer in the mouth of something(a person/malach/Moshiach?/) This was the formation that struck me - and I'm no Tzadekes by any stretch of your imagination - but seeing your post today with the strangeness of yesterday - just felt compelled to share.
May Hashem help us and reveal to us the ultimate Geula Shelaima - Nechama in this Chodesh of Menachem Av B'Rachamim - Amen!


Neshama said...

Hadassa, thank you for commenting. Yes it may be strange but it has been happening for several years. Add this to the archaeological “finds” pertaining to different periods in our history that give “physical proof” to our sovereingty on our G–d given yerusha, we are receiving simanim from Shamayim. When the minds of man are so confused in our days and the evil escalating, I believe we are in the final stretch of our history in this world. If one looks and sees clearly one can feel and see the world as we have enjoyed it is winding down. We will be entering into the final final stage soon. So be prepared mentally, emotionally, and physically. Keep in touch with HaShem and don’t fear, just cling to Emuna and Bitachon.

That trumpet is saying soon, soon.

Shalom Pollack: Tiyul on January 28, Tuesday

  Shalom chaverim, I am pleased to present a Tanach and Jewish history tour  on Tuesday, Jan 28. Our bus departs  from the Inbal Hotel  at 8...