08 July 2020

Confession of Israeli Hospitals During Coronavirus

It seems that the same problems that occurred in the hospitals in New York/Brooklyn also occurred here at Israel’s Hospitals. So sad to learn about this. Therefore, in light of this report, perhaps the Hospitals should convene an online conference to discuss treatment protocols in light of what other hospitals in other countries have discovered in their experience during the initial months and their revised treatment, if any, to patients now. Instead of doctors sending patients home in the early stages, telling them to wait for more symptoms, which has been found to predict fatality, they should have been treated very early on. Maybe they will find that treating patients in the very early stages as explained by several *doctors that have had successful rates of survival with their patients (see below). They have found that early intervention eliminated in most patients the need for hospitalization and death. Early intervention would have alleviated the stress and strain that Israel’s Hospitals faced during this experience of Coronavirus.

Israeli hospitals have a special responsibility because they represent the altruistic medical system of Israel. And Israel is a Jewish State welcoming and protecting Jews from all over the world. The “Best Medical System in the World” has just had a moment of truth. What will they do now?

A number of coronavirus patients who died after being hospitalized may have died as a result of poor treatment, rather than the disease itself, a new study finds.

During the first wave of the coronavirus in late February, March, and April, medical staff at hospitals across the country were confronted with a new disease they knew little about, with a sudden influx of patients, including some in serious condition, forcing doctors and nurses to split their time between other patients and those suffering from the coronavirus.

The relatively high fatality rate early on in the pandemic, which later declined as more was learned about the coronavirus, prompted investigations into how hospitals handled the crisis.

The results from one such study, conducted by Dr. Aryeh Sorokski, highlight the difficulties faced at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon in central Israel.

Dr. Sorokski, who heads up the hospital’s intensive care unit, was given to the hospital’s president, Dr. Anat Angel at the beginning of June, and earlier this week the findings were also provided to the new director-general of the Health Minsitry, Hezi Levy.

On Wednesday, Israel Hayom revealed the report, highlighting some of its key findings.

In his report, Dr. Sorokski warned that Israel’s healthcare system might face a deluge of cases during the winter, with a combination of seasonal flu and coronavirus outbreaks.

“It is possible that this coming winter we will face a double outbreak of the seasonal flu and the coronavirus, and we must prepare for a wave of many patients on assisted breathing.”

“We need to improve in a number of critical areas, because if we don’t improve, the cost will be in human lives.”

Regarding the hospital’s handling of the first wave of the coronavirus, Dr. Sorokski found a number of serious mistakes made by hospital staff, which led to the deaths of coronavirus patients.

A total of 120 coronavirus patients were hospitalized at Wolfson, of which, 21 died during their hospitalization.

“We suffered a serious lack of experienced, veteran doctors in the intensive care ward, and we were forced to divide our time between our regular tasks of treating regular hospital patients and treating coronavirus patients.”

That lack of experienced staff members “led to failures in the ongoing treatment of patients and the monitoring [of patients].”

“In my 25 years of work in intensive care, I have never seen these kinds of mistakes, and the fact that these kinds of mistakes happened points to the lowest level of skill and a lack of professionalism.”

In his report, Dr. Sorokski concludes that some of the 21 fatalities among coronavirus patients at the hospital resulted not from the virus itself, but from errors made by hospital nurses.

Source:  arutzsheva


* Dr. Richard Bartlett | ACWT Interview at
Los Angeles Doctor: at and…
Dr. Zelenko at
I’m sure there are many more true Medical Professionals who value saving lives, as these doctors have.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

How can it be that our medical staff are undertrained? Granted, this is a "novel" strain of the coronavirus, but still...errors, so sad. Good thing they are not in America...there would be so many lawsuits.

Neshama said...

Gavriela, thank you for commenting. I wrote in the beginning at the top that this DOES RESEMBLE NY. However, the difference is that our Israeli nurses have more heart and empathy. But that does not correct protocol that was inadequate and lethal, if they were following protocol.

Also, the standard Protocol that many hospital around the world were using I believe was based on WHO AND CDC criteria. This is the crux of the problem.

And yes, now they’re throwing to the wind a coronavirus that is airborne :-))

moshe said...

This evil just tells you that it is a worldwide evil! That there are Jewish doctors and hospitals allowing this behavior in Israel is really sick. This is exactly the same scenario as New York where thousands, r'l, passed away, due to the insane mandate by the governor. The solution is plain, clear and simple, as Neshama has already posted here multiple times:

Hydroxy cocktail, within the first five days of symptoms and those people get healed within two days. But, of course, that means 'they live'.

LTC said...

Would everyone here please post their scientific credentials? And no, finishing the Grey's Anatomy Coloring Book doesn't count.

You guys are hilarious. Gives a modern day meaning to "A Confederacy of Dunces."

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