19 July 2020

PLO Flag at a Demonstration in Jerusalem – Is Antifa in Israel? BOMBSHELL ARTICLE

(we are witnessing political fireworks and an outright war against Netanyahu and the Israel Government – see bombshell article near end)
PLO Flag at a Demonstration in Jerusalem
*Protesters demonstrating against PM's conduct break through checkpoints and block roads. One of the protesters waved a PLO flag. [is there **Antifa in Israel?] arutzsheva

While we were making Havdalah after Shabbat, there was shouting, clanging and banging with horns and whistles blaring, awful noise at a very high decibel outside on Rehov Rambam. Couldn’t be one of those *Pride events? No, but it sounded like that. 

Actually it was . . .  A Night of Confrontations!  

JERUSALEM: Clashes broke out in Jerusalem on Saturday night between police and protesters who came to demonstrate against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's conduct in the fight against the coronavirus. Some of the demonstrators broke through police checkpoints, started to march and even reached the back of the Prime Minister's Residence. The protesters blocked traffic in the area. Police officers at the scene dispersed the rioters using water hoses. Police arrested two rioters who tried to incite and agitate the other protesters. The demonstrators in the vicinity of Paris Square tried to march in the direction of the city center and one of them was seen waving a PLO flag, apparently in order to cause a stir up. The flag was confiscated. Police forces at the scene prevented the procession from taking place.

TEL AVIV:  Meanwhile, hundreds of people attended a protest in Charles Clore Park in Tel Aviv and blocked Rothschild Boulevard in the city. Police were called to the scene. The commander of the police force told the demonstrators: "The demonstration is illegal, I am providing you with a reasonable timeframe to disperse. We will act with the necessary force, including arrests and protest dispersal means."


Coalition Chairman MK Miki Zohar wrote on Twitter Sunday morning: "to approve mass demonstrations that pose a health risk to all Israeli citizens on the one hand and to close many businesses that follow the guidelines on the other is nothing short of absurd. "The government must decide: either open the whole economy, including allowing these mass demonstrations full of hatred, or stop these sponsored demonstrations immediately, as they decided to close the businesses.” arutzsheva

*Well, they’re all the same misguided angry and revolting leftists who want everything their way. They want to disrupt the Israeli Government and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are connected in some way to those angry “peaceful” protesters (anti-semitic Antifa haters) that trashed parts of democratic American cities.

Yes, ANTIFA is in Israel
Looks like a war – Barak vs Netanyahu – Political Fireworks
The daily protests taking place outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem are being backed by former Prime Minister and Netanyahu’s political nemesis Ehud Barak reports Channel 13

The protests, which sometimes turn violent, are funded by the ‘National Responsibility’ organization which is backed by Barak. And although he is no longer in politics, Barak is among Netanyahu’s most aggressive and outspoken rivals in the political arena.

Barak’s organization is organizing daily rallies outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem as well as in Tel Aviv and other parts of Israel to exploit the indictments against Netanyahu in order to discredit him as Prime Minister.

Barak, who is a close associate of the late pedophile Jeffery Epstein, is also being accused of sleeping with Epstein’s underage madams. Virginia Roberts Giuffre had named Barak as one of several powerful men she was forced to have sex with by Jeffrey Epstein while she was a teen, the Miami Herald reported.

Barak told Channel 13 that The black flag protest is an exciting display of spontaneous civic awakening against the attempted coup. He also denies Giuffre’s sex trafficking allegations. Many of the protests devolved into violent riots as seen …. [screenshots above]

Bombshell article by Breaking News

1 comment:

moshe said...

Nothing better to say for these chayot than 'yimach shmom v'zichrom!

Rabbi Winston: PURIM and Parshas Ki Sisa

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