21 May 2019

“What is 5G"

It’s Universal Microwave Radiation Transmission on Steroids
[to fry your body and brains – from the inside out

This must be an introductory article (that appeared in the JPost) to slowly brainwash Israelis with 5G rhetoric, before setting up “5G Radiation Emitting Stations” on every street in Israel. Please view the following video of an anti-5G proponent. This is all a war against G–d and Creation.

No studies have done to determine the health risks to children, adults, animals, fish, birds, plant life, and the earth’s atmosphere and the Universe’s planetary symbiosis.

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis

The University of Melbourne
Published on Dec 2, 2015

Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.

"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now"

The Lecture
What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use. In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks.

The Speaker
Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute —­ the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded non­profit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994–­1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents.
As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank.

Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-­Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times.

Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.


Mr. Cohen said...

Melanie Phillips (columnist for
The Times of London”) said:

“The ancestors of today’s Palestinian
Arabs were Hitler’s army in the Middle East;
and their descendants can justly be
regarded as the last undefeated front
in the Nazi war against the Jews.”

Tlaib strives to alter narrative
of hate fomented by Arabs

by Melanie Phillips, 2019 May 16

Mr. Cohen said...

David P. Goldman said:

“If one or more of the parties knows that peace
implies the end of its existence, it has no motive
to return to peace. That is how the radical Islamists
of Hamas view the future of Muslim society.

A wealthy and successful Jewish state next to
a poor and dysfunctional Palestinian state
may imply the end of the moral authority of Islam,
and some Palestinians would rather fight to
the death than embrace such an outcome.

Rather than consign their children to the
Western milieu of personal freedom and sexual
license, radical Muslims will fight to the death.”

SOURCE: How Civilizations Die
(chapter Introduction, page xiv) by David P. Goldman,
year 2011 CE, Regnery Publishing, ISBN 978-1-59698-273-4

Who are the Palestinians?

Neshama said...

thank you mr cohen for your comments; however, they pale greatly compared to the planned world 5G control.

Anonymous said...

Frightening. Typical person just goes along with the flow without thinking and asking questions, as long as they get their quick-fix enjoyment, like constantly talking on these phones. This is obviously part of the depopulation of humanity without the chaos of war. Wake up peoples of the earth! We pray that Moshiach will show up very, very soon because the damage that can be done in the interim is unthinkable. H' yerachem!

Why oh why do people need all these things; if very few would have bought into this technology of having these gadgets, such as these mobile phones, etc. from the beginning; the bad guys wouldn't have gotten this far with their goal of destroying the world.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...