07 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Israeli Journalist: IDF bases were ambushed from within the night before

 Everyone needs to see this, and I mean EVERYONE. 

Many have been shouting this from the rooftops all along, and I noted it back in March here.  Now a video released by Hamas provides clear evidence that IDF bases near the Gaza border were ambushed from within the night before the fence was breached to pave the way for the October 7 massacre. According to journalist Chaim Yativ, the bases were taken out by Mossad/deep state traitors, likely with the assistance of CIA agents and American armed forces. The Jewish soldiers protecting the border were murdered in cold blood from within the night before the invasion.

To make it clear: this obliterates all the lies that October 7 was a surprise attack, an intelligence failure, etc. — lies which never made any sense to begin with.

This also obliterates the silly claims from talking heads and controlled influencers that this was a "leftist plot to bring down Bibi".  There is no left or right.  There is only them — the whole monstrous lot of them — and us.

An English transcript follows:

Chaim Yativ: “The soldiers were murdered when it was still during the night. Before daybreak. In specific bases. There was an attack with silencers...through “friendly” forces, which could have been Americans, American assassins of the CIA, together with men from the Mossad that partnered with them, brought them inside.

“Now, regarding what you said, regarding the bases, and the murder in the night. We spoke about this base of Refaim, of this video in which we see the people are sitting around, the female soldiers, at night, yes. And they tried to attribute it to bilateral shooting in the north (our forces against our forces) which is bull****. If this was a bilateral shooting in the north, there's no way Hamas would have obtained this video from the telephone of the female soldier.”

This is the first video that Hamas released on its Telegram channel, as the opening event of the slaughter in the south. It was recorded in darkness. While the video of the first breach of the fence was recorded by the light of day.

Interviewer: “Excuse me, Chaim, when you say “dutz” (Hebrew abbreviation), that is bilateral?”

Chaim Yativ: “Bilateral, yes. Meaning, this was our soldiers that fired against each other [so they claimed]. That's bull****, also because bilateral shooting couldn't happen within a base. When they start shooting in the evening, when the soldiers are sitting around, with automatic weapons. It's clear that this was an elimination. Otherwise we would also have seen the continuation of the video.

“Only what happened? The thing is that Hamas didn't release this video immediately. It seems that they didn't want to hand it over. They were working for the Americans. They didn't want to hand over this matter, that this was at night. But because the elimination was at night...but it seems that they thought that this split second, after they already gave the general picture beforehand, wouldn't disturb the matter. So it seems that someone mistakenly released this video.

“In any case, after this we went onto another video, which was on a Golani base, in which we see clearly that everything is staged. This isn't a storming of a Golani base or anything. You see one person storming with a camera in hand on the base. Two men are sitting by the entrance of the base. No one shoots, no one does anything. The storming of the Golani base is bull****.

“What's important in this matter is that you see the storming is by daylight, and by daylight we see in actuality, one who examines the video, we see it's already daylight, that all the soldiers on the base were already murdered. And they weren't just murdered, but they were murdered a while ago. Because if you look at the bodies of the soldiers, their blackened faces, the black blood that is there – this happened a while ago. They were murdered a few hours ago.

“Consequently, there was “preparatory work” the night before they came [from Gaza] in order to make it possible for them by daylight to breach the fences. Without this preparatory work, it would not have been possible at 6:30, 7:00, for the Hamasniks to reach the fences and breach them.”

Highlighted portion from post by Memi Golan:

“1. A veteran reporter told me in the morning that survivors from the Gaza envelope who are staying in one of the hotels by the Dead Sea told him that two types of terrorists participated in the slaughter. One type of Satan's children we already recognize, and there was another type who spoke English, only English, who dressed in black. And after they broke into houses they asked nicely for an apple or a banana. They left the houses without harming anyone. They sat on the lawns and made themselves a fruit salad.

“2. This wasn't one instance or two. I publicized one testimony like this yesterday, and now it has been strengthened.

“3. These ones had time for a fruit salad, and their friends had time to commit a series of acts of abuse in cold blood and to burn cars to ash. From where did they know that they would have time? Why didn't they murder, take the hostages, and disappear? Who really was in charge of the terror, and what did his watch tell him?”

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Neshama said...

COMMENT SUBMITTED: At 12:16 PM on October 8, while the fires were still burning and Jewish communities were still under siege, the deep state operatives at Arutz Sheva and the rest of the Mockingbird Media were already urging everyone that “conspiracy theories about treason are fake news”.

There aren't enough ropes for everyone who needs to hang.

HDG, Yerushalayim, E"Y Shlemah said...

Absolutely right, Neshama. I myself was wondering when we were going to see US involvement mentioned.

I got a link to this video independently, and sent the link to DBL on my phone...small mistake, since I didn't have a chance to identify myself on the post.

My hands are small, but I still accidentally hit the send button too soon to add my info. Thus, it's the anonymous post in with all the recent ones as of today. It was the first, and likely the last, time I will send info like that by phone. My "big" computer is much more easily handled.

Hodesh tov umevorach!

Anonymous said...

For such vile treachery, hanging seems too good.
But, one thing is particularly interesting and that is truth is coming forth more quickly
than we could have expected; I think H' is hastening everything for Geula.
All the evil will soon be exposed and, hopefully, 'evil' is on its way out.
There must be an accounting where each & everyone of these murderous perpetrators will know
the Wrath of G-D.
May H's Rachamim soon be recognized by everyone.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh!

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